2022 AIM CONVENTION PROGRAM 061722 Final Draft no border

Texas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Church of God in Christ Pastor Philip D. Oliver, Sr. AIM CHAIRMAN

Holy Greetings to each of you in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. Welcome to the 2022 Texas East AIM Convention!

Thank you, Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr., Prelate this opportunity to serve as Texas East AIM Chairman. I am grateful for your leadership, guidance, love, prayers, and support.

The theme this year is, Forward-Thinking, which is appropriate for this year's convention. We have survived the height of a global pandemic, recession, and inflation. Many churches went virtual, and some were forced to close their doors. We now must reevaluate the way we approach ministry, and this will only be accomplished in part by prayer and Forward Thinking. For it is not by power nor by might, but by the Spirit of God that this will be done. I want to thank Vice Chairlady and the 2022 AIM Convention Coordinator, Missionary Vonda Pipkin, and the entire AIM team for their tireless efforts and hard work to make this convention the phenomenal success it has been. Thank you to all the guests' Evangelists: Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole, Elect Lady of Evangelism, Supt. Nathaniel Green, International Youth President, R.L Nichols, Administrative Assistant, Convention Host, and Bishop Edwin D. Love. I would be remiss if I did not publicly thank Bishop R.L. Nichols, Sr., for entrusting me with this task and vision. Thank you to the many visitors, guests, partners, and behind-the-scenes individuals and Texas East for operating in the spirit of excellence! I cannot adequately convey my sentiments of gratitude. I pray that God continues to bless you for all you do for the Kingdom. As believers, we must continue to stand strong, serve, strengthen, counsel, encourage, and support the body of Christ, regardless of what the world is saying, the economy is doing, or who is in political office. I unequivocally believe that our future is better than our past, even in these times. Let us continue to uphold the standards of holiness as we press forward, trusting in him that Greater is Coming!

Until He Comes,

Philip D. Oliver, Sr.

Pastor Philip D. Oliver, Sr. AIM Chairman


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