AIM PROGRAM 1 (1) revised
Pastor Darrell Blair
A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Pastor Darrell Blair is an anointed Minister of the Gospel and National Gospel - Recording Artist. He has been called by God to the nations in this hour to be a "Voice" for the Joshua Generation". His educational accom
Brother Gregory McGill, Jr. Vice President
Minister Robert Nichols, III President
Evangelist Jasmun Askew Youth Chairlady
plishments include a Degree in Business Administration, graduating from The Southern Bible Institute in 2018 and from Integrity Seminary in 2020 in which he has earned a Doctorate of Theology. Pastor Blair began singing in the youth choir at the age of twelve and accepted his call to ministry in 1991. After years of success as a Minister of Music and Gospel Recording Artist, God called and prepared him to found and pastor New Breed Christian Center, a church "Where Ministry Means People and Everybody is Some body". His preaching ministry is combined with a prophetic anointing, designed to deliver a Rhema Word, and destroy yokes in the lives of those who have been held captive by the very hands of the enemy. In the fall of 2010, Pastor Blair felt the leading of God to submit himself to the leadership and covering of Bishop - Elect Marvin L. Winans, Sr. and align himself with Perfecting Fellowship International (PFI). From writing music, singing, acting, directing, and preaching, Pastor Darrell Blair has yielded himself to God. He is fully persuaded of his call in Christ Jesus and knows that he has been anointed to deliver the Word of God through singing, teaching, and preaching. Pastor Blair is grounded by the love of his life and ministry partner Lady LaTonja Blair and their beautiful and gifted children.
Sister Kreshaylia Byrd Youth Choir Coordinator
Sister Alexandria Grant Youth Coordinator
Elder Brandon Hargrove President
Sister Shirley Geter Vice President
Lady LaGuesna Rhodes Administrator
Brother Brian Cotton Director
Please open your hearts and minds to enjoy "The Ministry of Pastor Darrell W. Blair".
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