PÝãÊÙ C«Ù®ÝãÊÖ«Ù K. Wݽù, the Senior Pastor of the AnƟoch Fellowship Church of Dallas, is one of God’s chosen for such a Ɵme as this. Born to the late Dr. Karry and Cheryl Wesley, Pastor Chris as he is affecƟonately known, was reared in the AnƟoch Fellowship Church, founded and led by his father, and came into the saving knowledge of Jesus at an early age. He was acƟve in the children and youth ministries of his home church, parƟcipaƟng in church school, BapƟst Training Union, AnƟoch Cadets drill team, Sunbeam and youth choirs. Always a leader, he was ex tremely acƟve in student leadership and served as the youth worship leader with the praise team and choir. At the age of 15, Chris accepted his call to the preaching ministry and delivered his first sermon Since that Ɵme, Chris has ministered in the Word and song all over the country. Known for his passionate delivery, ability to interpret scripture and make the gospel understandable and applicable to all different age groups and backgrounds, Chris has a love for preaching and teaching the word of God.
Pastor Chris began his full - Ɵme vocaƟonal ministry journey at the age of 23 when he accepted a posiƟon as Youth and Young Adult Pastor at Consolidated BapƟst Church led by Pastor Richard Gaines. Since that Ɵme, he served in staff pastor roles at St. John Church - Unleashed led by Dr. Denny Davis, and Trinity Church led by Pastor Jim Hennesy before returning to AnƟoch in 2018. On February 9, 2020, Pastor Chris was elected to succeed his father as the Senior Pastor of AnƟoch Fellowship 3 months aŌer Dr. Wesley transiƟoned from labor to reward. Under Pastor Chris’ leadership, AnƟoch has experienced growth and expanded her reach to the world in new ways. Pastor Chris is not solely a preacher, but a giŌed worship leader, singer, and songwriter. He is the leader of Chris Wesley and Undignified Praise, a group of young adults who have been featured arƟst at events all over the country. Their debut album “Redeemed” was released in 2012, and their sophomore project, “Encounter was released in November 2019. Pastor Chris and UDP have shared on naƟonal television plaƞorms such the Dorinda Clark Show and “ATL Live!”, a ChrisƟan television program enjoyed in over 2,000,000 households. They have shared stages with arƟsts such as The Walls Group, Mali Music, Rich Tolbert Jr. and more. They have also been nominated for awards such as KHVN’s Home Grown Gospel Honors, Texas Gospel Music Excellence Awards as Group of the Year, and in 2022, they received Ensemble of the Year at the Avidity Awards in Memphis, Tennessee. Their third project, “8:28: Live in Dallas” will be released at the top of 2023 and features their single, “Til It’s Good”, wriƩen by Pastor Chris. In addiƟon to leading AnƟoch and UDP, Pastor Chris is the Young Adult Director of the NaƟonal BapƟst ConvenƟon of America, INC under the director of Dr. Samuel C. Tolbert and serves in various other community leadership and service capaciƟes with groups like Fellowship of ChrisƟan Athletes, Black Church PAC and more.
In May 2022, Pastor Chris became the proud husband to the former Jennifer Foster and bonus dad to Jayda.
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