AIM Intercessory Prayer Team
Evangelist Shelia Hardin, Missionary LaJune Gillum, Missionary Robbin Bell, Sister Martrice Williams
AIM Host
Superintendent Johnny Hardeman, President of Evangelism
Superintendent Ray Beasley, President, Sunday School
Old Testament
Deacon Josef Hill, Asst. Vice Chairman LogisƟcs & OperaƟons
New Testament
Elder Kevin Greene, Vice President Music Dept.
Praise & Worship
Texas East JurisdicƟonal AIM Praise Team
Mother Lula M. Pope, Supervisor of Women
AIM ConvenƟon GreeƟngs
Missionary Vonda Pipkin, AIM ConvenƟon Coordinator Vice Chairlady
Acknowledgment of Guests
Sister Kaysha Wilson, Youth Choir Coordinator
Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr., AIM Chairman
IntroducƟon of Bishop
AdministraƟve Assistant James E. Lee
VOICE OF OUR LEADER Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr., Prelate
Musical SelecƟon
Texas East JurisdicƟonal AIM Choir
AIM Special PresentaƟon
AIM Department
Ministry of Giving
AdministraƟve Assistant Robert Nichols, Jr. Brother Miles Oliver, Missionary Ashley Bendy, Missionary Robbie Bell
Missionary Vonda Pipkin, AIM ConvenƟon Coordinator Vice Chairlady/Deacon Josef Hill
IntroducƟon of Speaker
Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr., AIM Chairman
Sermonic SelecƟon
Texas East JurisdicƟonal AIM Choir
Superintendent Brian Nelson Church of God in Christ, IDOE Vice President
InvitaƟon to Discipleship BenedicƟon
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