GreeƟngs: Delegates of Texas East EcclesiasƟcal JurisdicƟon 2022 AIM ConvenƟon, Oh, magnify with me, and let us exalt his name together. I pray that this communicaƟon finds you and your family enjoying the abundant blessings of our gracious and merciful God. I am godly proud of Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, AIM Chairman, and the Texas East AIM Department. Under your leadership, the department has grown significantly. Stay focused and keep serving the Lord. I look forward to a great Ɵme of spiritual enrichment, training, and fellowship as we gather in the city of DeSoto, Texas, for our 2023 AIM ConvenƟon. The AIM ConvenƟon has been a staple in our jurisdicƟon for over fiŌy years. Many souls were saved, healed, and delivered. Our mission is made possible with GOD. Our mission is to compel all men to Christ. With the help of the Lord, we will unite and get back on mission for Sunday School, Evangelism, Missions, Youth Ministries, and the Music Department. Willing workers as we assemble to unite, be empowered and ignite auxiliaries in ministry within the jurisdicƟon. Let's remember our purpose is to build the kingdom of GOD. Go out into the hedges, highways, and compel men to come to Christ, that GOD's house is filled. Because of Calvary, Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. JurisdicƟonal Prelate

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