Alvirta Washington_ lrg 2fld Green
Our hearts have been lifted and our burdens lightened by the many thoughtful expressions of love and sympathy shared with us at the loss of our beloved one. Thank you for the food, flowers, kind words and participation in this service as we celebrate the departure of our loved one .
Cory Barron | Emmanuel Moore | Jamon Barron Kendric Henderson | Larry Harris | Patrick Garrett
Damien Givens | James Roland | Jerry Sims
Repass will be at The Embassy Church, 630 Pleasant Run Rd, Lancaster, TX 75146
When I think about the leg acy my mom left me, two things come to mind: The power of the written word & how to love well. From the time I was in 1st grade into my adult years, my mom wrote letters to me. When I was younger, they were written on sta tionary, including words of encouragement that were often times tailored to my
Alvirta Barron Washington, 69, of Malakoff, Tx, passed away on January 1, 2023.
Alvirta was born on January 17, 1953 to Lee B. & Alvirta Barron in Malakoff, Tx. After Alvirta graduated from Malakoff High School in 1971, she earned an associate degree in Science at Odessa College. After graduating, she began her career in Odessa, TX and went on to Parkland Hospital as a Lab Technician, blazing trails for women and African Americans of her time. In 1972, Alvirta met Kenneth Washington at Odessa College. Through this union two children were born - Kenneth Ray, Jr. and Amy Janell Washington. Alvirta was known to be a woman of few words, but when she chose to speak, she was thoughtful and articulate. Her love, kindness, and patience unveiled her full attention to those she loved. Finally, we would be remiss not to mention Alvirta ’ s fanaticism of sports, mastery of Wheel of Fortune, and penchant for applying full government names to all her beloved nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by parents, sisters: Ruby Brown, Brenda Barron, Geneva Chambers and brother, Lee B. Barron. She is survived by her children, and sisters: Cecelia Sloan, Hattie Evans, Lynda Dawson, Carolyn Henderson and Janice Peterson (cousin). As well as a host of nieces and nephews .
spelling &/or vocabulary words for the week. As I grew older, she spoke to the academic & sporting competi tions that were ahead and gave me a boost of confi dence. Her written sentiments made me feel special and loved beyond measure. But what I will cherish the most are the letters she wrote to me at the age of 20, after los ing my fiancé. She wrote me everyday until I graduated from college so that I ’ ll never feel alone. That summer I came home with a 30 - gallon trash bag filled with letters! Her thoughtfulness and intentionality not only shaped me as an individual, but taught me how to love others. Especially my students, chosen by God, with whom I ’ ve been entrusted to handle with care and love.
- Amy
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