Archie Thomas_2fld silver and black
Sunrise: December 17, 1937
Sunset: October 24, 2023
~ C ELEBRATORY S ERVICE ~ Monday, November 6, 2023 11:00 A.M. A NTIOCH F ELLOWSHIP M ISSIONARY B APTIST C HURCH 7550 S. Hampton Rd. — Dallas, Texas 75232 Rev. Donald R. Perry, Officiant Rev. Chris Wesley, Sr. Pastor/Eulogist
Psalm 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Archie Lee Thomas Jr. was born December 17, 1937, in Marshall, Texas to the parents of Archie Lee Thomas Sr. and Hattie Bernice Williams Thomas. Archie was the oldest of seven children that were born to their union. He transitioned to eternity with his Lord October 24, 2023, at his home in Dallas, Texas at the age of 85. Archie accepted Christ at an early age and served the Lord with his whole heart. He graduated from HB Pemberton Junior/Senior High School in Marshall, Texas in 1955. Afterwards, he enlisted in the United States Navy where he received an honorable discharge. After being discharged, he moved to Dallas where he was employed by LTV, Aerospace (Vought) and retired from Dart Bus Service. Archie married the love of his life, Bertha Christian Thomas on August 14, 1965. With this union there were two sons, Thaddeus LaDell, and Louis Carl Thomas. The two remain united in holy matrimony for 53 years until his wife Bertha transitioned on October 14, 2018. He united with Carver Heights Baptist Church under the leadership of the late Rev. Tyler Carter 1974. He served in the Male Chorus and Men’s Sunday School class. In 1986, he united with Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of the late Dr. Karry D. Wesley where he served faithfully as a member of the Male Chorus, Men Sunday School Class, Senior Saints Ministry, and the Family service Ministry where he willingly gave of himself until his health failed. Archie was also a dedicated Charter Member of Antioch Fellowship MBC. Archie was full of life and enjoyed telling jokes. He took great pride in making people laugh, therefore, no one had a “dull” moment in his presence. He had a doctor’s appointment and was late because he had to go, “place a bet” at the horse track. It was a source of entertainment for him that he thoroughly enjoyed. Archie was preceded in death by his parents, Archie Lee, and Hattie Bernice Thomas, two brothers Charles L. Thomas and Raymond F. Thomas, one sister Joyce Thomas Jones, his son Thaddeus Thomas. Archie is survived by his son, Louis Carl Thomas (Dallas, Texas), one grandson Aramis Thomas (Longview, Texas), two sisters Gloria Thomas Graham (Frank), DeSoto, Texas Wenda Thomas (DeSoto, Texas), one brother Kenneth M. Thomas (Eva) DeSoto, Texas, godson Ronnie Paul Alexander (Dallas, Texas) and host of nieces, great-nieces, nephews, great-nephews and a whole host of cousins and friends.
Parting View…………….……… Golden Gate Directors
Song………………..…………… AFMBC Male Chorus
Old Testament………...…….. Rev. Russell Dabbs New Testament………….……… Rev. Jeff Jacobs
Prayer……….……….…..…………… Rev. Albert Fields
Song………………...…………… AFMBC Male Chorus
Resolutions………………………….. Church and Others
Special Remarks..…….…… Emma Page, Family Services Nat Brown Sr., Saints Steering Committee Joe Dean Ronnie Paul Alexander, Godson
Family Remarks…………………….... Rev. Dale Johnson
A P RAYER FOR MY D AD Dear God, I gratefully thank you for giving me my Dad, you must really love me, cause you gave the best you had. Watch over him and bless him Lord, and keep him in your care. An may he feel my love for him is my humble, heartfelt prayer.
Song………………..…………… AFMBC Male Chorus
Words of Comfort…………………… Rev. Chris Wesley
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