Arnold Jackson_2fld

Loving M EMORY I N

R EMEMBER HIM Remember him with a smile today He was not one for tears. Reflect instead on memories Of all the happy years. Recall to mind the way he spoke And all the things he said. His strength, his stance, the way he walked Remember these instead. The good advice he'd give us His eyes that shone with laughter So much of him will never die But live on ever after. As we loved you, so we miss you In our memory you are near. Loved, remembered, longed for always Bringing many a silent tear.



For every lovely card and flower sent, every phone call, text, email, social media post, comforting word, visitation, every meal prepared, every warm smile, and every embrace of affection, we say, "THANK YOU!" We are grateful for all the love and concern extended to us during our bereavement and sincerely appreciate your presence. We were comforted by each act of kindness, gesture of sympathy, and each prayer uttered on our behalf. We pray that God will richly and abundantly bless each of you.


“ Like I Said ”

Final Arrangements Entrusted to:

Sunrise: December 1, 1958 Sunset: January 6, 2023

Dallas, TX (214)-941-7332 Ft. Worth, TX (817)-478-9555 Tallulah, LA (318)-574-6100

S ATURDAY , J ANUARY 14, 2023 9:00 AM

4155 S. R. L. T HORNTON F RWY . D ALLAS , T EXAS 75224 Dr. Vicki Jackson-High, Officiating “Where Service Begins and Never Ends”

Arnold Averett Jackson was born to the parentage of Luther Martin and Vassie Lee Jackson in Dallas, Texas, on December 1, 1958, and both preceded him in death. One son, Jarrett Jackson also preceded him in death. Arnold was the older twin to Donald Curtis Jackson, who also preceded him in death. Arnold received his formal education from Dallas Public Schools, attending H.S. Thompson, Pearl C. Anderson, and graduated from Lincoln High School in 1977. Arnold worked for multiple companies during his lifetime, including John E Mitchell, Sunny South Fabric Inc., D & L Security, and Lincoln Memorial. Being an identical twin always carries with it some laughter. When they were teenagers and dating, the girls would call and say, "May I speak to twin?" We would say, "Which one?" They would say, "I don't know." It was hilarious! Well, God knows every hair on our head and makes no mistakes in our identity. He called and welcomed home one of his children. Arnold was a faithful son and father to his daughter and grandchildren. Throughout his adult life, his love for his family was evident in his continuous dedication to them as a son, father, brother, and uncle. He leaves to cherish his memory, one daughter, Caresa Jackson, two grandsons, Ta’Ryan Jackson, JaKobe Mitchell, three sisters, Rhonda Wilborn, Glinder Linwood, Dr. Vicki High (Steve, Sr.), ten nephews, Greg, Keiv, Terrance (Paula), Khafre, Steve, Jr., Nicholas, Brandon, Donovan, Jaylen, Donte, one special great-nephew, Quinton Wilborn, four special nieces, Lana, Gana, Toya (Damon), Shaniedra, a host of relatives, friends, and extended family.

Processional………………………...Ministers and Family

Prayer…………………………….…Bro. Steve High, Jr.

Hymn of Comfort…………….Mrs. KaToya High Sumner

Old Testament Reading………..Bro. James Patterson, Sr.

New Testament Reading……………..Bro. Harrel Garner

Video Presentation


Remarks…………………………Limit 2 minutes, Please

Musical Selection…….………….…………. Congregation

Eulogy……..……………………..Dr. Vicki Jackson -High

Parting View…………….Golden Gate Funeral Directors


C ELEBRATING THE L IFE OF Arnold Averett Jackson

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