Carrenza Johnson_smbk blue

Dear Daddy, I know you are safe in heaven but I want you to know that I will do anything to have you back on earth and I love you and we all miss you and hope you have a great life in heaven and I will see you in there.

My Brother Carrenza, You Snuck Up Outta Here On Us Man! You Already Know We Gone Hold It Down lol. Everything I Do From Now On Is Gonna Have A Piece Of You In It!We Gone Make Sure Caydence And Cailey Good 4L



Love Your Bro, Kelby Jr.

Daddy, I love you so much. I ’ m sad that you ’ re gone. I will miss all the fun times that we had and our cuddles.

Carrenza, My heart is so heavy, but I know The Lord has you in His arms. Now, I have to get these butter rolls together, just like we always talked about. You ’ ll forever be my little big cousin and I ’ ll carry you in my heart until the end.

Love, Cailey (Eleanor Chipmunk)

I ’ ll love you always, Brittany

Carrenza De ’ von Johnson

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