Carter Brown

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 |11:00 am G REAT C OMMISSION B APTIST C HURCH 7700 McCart Ave. | Fort Worth, Texas Douglas E. Brown, Gracious Host Pastor

The Procession of the Funeral Cortege

Final Viewing……...……………………………. Golden Gate Directors

Crowning Ceremony

Scripture Readings……………………..…………. Minister TJ Patterson Old Testament New Testament

Invocation…….………………………………….... Minister TJ Patterson

Song………………………………………...……….…. Veronica Lawson

Church Resolutions…………………………..………….Elm Grove B. C.

Remarks……………………...……Sean Brown and Cheyenne Brown

Song………………………………………………….…..Veronica Lawson

The Message of Comfort…………...…….Pastor TJ Patterson

The Recession of The Funeral Cortege

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