Christine Garrette Program
Sunrise: February 27, 1927 Sunset: January 20, 2023
Friday, February 10, 2023 | 11:00 AM G OOD S TREET B APTIST C HURCH 3110 Bonnie View Rd. —Dallas, Texas 75216 Pastor Eddie L. Jenkins Rev. Ronald Anglin, Officiant
Christine Garrette was born February 27, 1927 in Colorado City, TX to Lenolia Johnson. She was a financial secretary at her church home, Good Street Baptist Church, under the leadership of Pastor Rev. C.A.W. Clark Sr. She was a member for over 40 years after shortly being a study hall teacher at Pearl C. Anderson and licensed hair dresser. Her loved ones who preceded her in death and are awaiting her arrival in heaven are mother, Lenolia Johnson; stepfather, Rev. Johnson; daughter, Wanda Lee Sullivan; two sons, Charles A. Dyer and Roger E. Garrette. Those who are left to cherish her memories are granddaughter, Brittany Garrette-Hubbard; grandson, Darius Ward; grandson-in-law, Jared Hubbard; great grandchildren, Braden Taylor MarTerrius Vester; two godsons, Wendell V. Ford and Keith A. Wiseman; a host of friends and church family.
Christine had a “Bold” personality and an “one of a kind” sense of humor and she will be greatly missed.
G RANDMAS H ANDS The hands that stayed together with a bowed head The hands that prepared a meal with love every night before bed
The hands that wiped my tears when I felt pain The hands that disciplined me when I was to blame The hands that oiled, pressed and curled my hair The hands that was always giving because of so much love to share The hands that molded me into the woman I am today The hands I held until the very end and leaned forward with a soft whisper “ITS OK”
Love Always Your Granddaughter,
Rev. Ronald Anglin — OFFICIATING —
Processional …………………........….…. Clergy, Pallbearers and the Family
Call to Celebration…………………........................….…. Rev. Ronald Anglin
Scripture Readings: Old Testament ….…………………….....…….…. Pastor Corby Shorter New Testament …………………….....……….…. Pastor Corby Shorter
Prayer …………………........…….....…………………..….. Rev. Ronald Anglin
Musical Selection …………………........…….......……………..….. Ivan Pickles
Resolutions …....................................................................Church and Others
Expressions of Love …..…………..…………………… Limit 2 Minutes, Please
Eulogy …………………………………......………….……… Rev. Ronald Anglin
Parting View ………………...........………… Golden Gate Funeral Directors
Golden Gate Funeral Home JO HN E. B ECKWITH - CEO & O WNER
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