Clayton, Rebecca Funeral Program-v5
“You Ran Well....Get Your Prize!” Mother Rebecca Onita Johnson-Clayton Her Life...A Testimony of Prayer, Consecration, and Endurance
“ It ’ s a girl ”, echoed throughout Lewisville, Texas on December 4, 1927. This beautiful baby girl, Rebecca O ’ nita , was the first and only girl born to the union of Mr. Adam & Mrs. Lettie Johnson. The family was later completed with two boys. Re becca received her formal education in the Fort Worth Public School System and attended Dunbar High School. On January 3, 1943, she married the love of her life, Mr. Shannon Clinton Clayton in Lewisville, Texas. It was not long be fore their love produced their first child in December 1943, Alvin Nathaniel (deceased). As Shannon and Rebecca ’ s love grew, their family also grew adding Wilimena, Rodger Clinton (deceased), Princella, and Frances Ann (deceased). Rebecca was employed as a domestic engineer for many years until retirement. Rebecca found the Lord and was Saved and filled with the Holy Ghost at Clark ’ s Temple Church of God in Christ under the pastorate of Bishop C.D. Clark. Under this leadership, she was trained in the work of the Lord as a prayer warrior, evangelist, teacher, and all around church worker. As she grew in the Lord, she was appointed and received license as an Evangelist Missionary, enabling her to conduct revivals and prayer meetings all over the city at many churches. Many people, including her family members, were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost through her evangelism. Later, she worshipped at Smith ’ s Chapel Church of God in Christ under the pastorate of Elder Elijah Crosby, where she continued working for God and was elevated to Church Mother. After Supt. Robert Lee and Mother Johnie Mae Macklin founded The “ little ” Rising Star Church of God in Christ on Bishop Street, she came to help continue building the kingdom of God. When Smith ’ s Chapel Church of God in Christ disbanded, she became a member of The Rising Star and remained a member until her demise. Mother Clayton had a desire to give money in church like others, but because of her meager income at the time, she only had a little to give. She petitioned God for a way to raise money for the church and He gave her a plan to make and sell pies to gain money for church. This was odd, because prior to this, she had never made a pie before. God gave her the recipe and how to effectively sell them. God blessed her hands so that she was known all over the city of Fort Worth for her good tast ing pies. She would sell her pies and sandwiches in the local clubs, beauty shops, and auto shops. She was respected to the point that if others were doing wrong in those places, they would stop while she was there. Many times, God would bless her to sell most of her pies and sandwiches at one location. At The Rising Star, under the pastorate of Supt. and Mother Macklin, Mother Clayton served as a Prayer Warrior, facilitat ing many shut - in ’ s, where she led the members in all night prayer and tarrying services. Because of her faithfulness and de votion to God and her leaders, she was appointed the third Church Mother in succession, President of the Pastor ’ s Aide, and Teacher of the Young Women ’ s Sunday School Class. Also, she was a member of the Senior Choir, under the directorship of Mother Johnie Macklin, where she lead songs like ‘ Running For Jesus a Long Time ’. After the demise of Supt. and Mother Macklin, Mother Clayton continued to serve faithfully under the pastorate of Supt. E. Charles and Lady Ida Barrett. Mother Clayton continued to serve God, her leaders, and the people of God until her health failed, but she continued to pray fervent ly at home. Her departure to Glory has left a huge hole in the hearts of The Rising Star Family. Mother Clayton not only served on the local church level, but also on the jurisdictional level. She was the founding District Missionary of the Lone Star District, serving with Supt. James Turner. Also, under the leadership of Bishop Sidney D. Lee and Mother Johnie Mae Macklin, founders of Texas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Church of God in Christ, Inc., she served as Marshal of the Department of Women. In this position, she was responsible for facilitating all Texas East Department of Women settings. Mother Rebecca Clayton took her flight to meet her Lord and family, August 4, 2022, from Universal Health Services (Hospice), Fort Worth, Texas. She has gladly joined her parents, Mr. Adam & Mrs. Lettie Johnson; her husband of 69 years, Elder Shannon Clayton; brothers: Luther and Samuel Johnson; and children: Alvin, Rodger, and Frances Clayton. Mother Rebecca Clayton leaves to celebrate her ascension to paradise, her daughters: Princella Marsh and Wilimena Thompson; 9 grandchildren: Beverly Franklin (Aubria), Robin Cash, Derrick Clayton (Amy), Devin Clayton, Toni Clayton, Anddrein Peterson (Eugene), Sharonda Walker, Christi Faucette (Darrell), and Ahmad Moore; 2 sisters - in - law: Mother Ollie Mae Caldwell and Mother Ruby Clayton; 22 great - grandchildren; 24 great - great - grandchildren; 2 great - great - great grandchildren; a host of nieces and nephews; Special God - daughter: Robin Anderson; Special Caregiver: Shirley Flemons; long time friends: Mother Katie Wallace, Mother Fannie Lee, and Mother Mildred Fields; and The Rising Star Church of God in Christ Family.
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