DAMONTA - Program

Precious Memories

To my nephew ‘Monta’ I remember the first day you were born. I and your uncle couldn’t wait to meet you. You were so handsome and full of life. I loved having conversations with you about the unknown, we would talk about Area 51 and aliens lol all the time. 'Monta, I will miss your smile that brightened a whole room. I will never forget you. Fly high with our ancestors because you are with them now. ~ Forever and always” Auntie Ann

To Damonta Robinson As your Uncle, I apologize I wasn't there when you needed me. I deal with the regret everyday. You were a special young man. Im going to miss you. I love you nephew. ~Montrice

DAMONTA I love you so much, you were my twin our birthday is 2 days apart. I love you so much I wish I could hug you one more time. DAMONTA you were my love we knew each other secrets, we knew how to make each other laugh you were my baby brother. Mom always said I act like I was your mother because I stayed on you. Rest easy baby brother I will always love you and cherish the memories we have forever... ~ Kierra Robinson

Dear Damonta, Our memories are my keepsake, With this we will never part, The lord has you within his keeping, And I’ll forever have you in my heart. It saddened me to hear of your passing, but then I had to accept the fact that your suffering is over. And that was the thought that brought me peace. This body was just a vessel and I know your soul will live on. Please continue to watch over us and say hello to mom for me! Until we meet again, memories of you will forever dance in my heart. -Brittany (Your Brickney On The Wall)

To my baby brother, I’m truly going to miss you my gentle giant, I’m going to miss that beautiful smile and handsome face. That laid back persona and cool vibe you brought around me everytime I seen you. The only person that truly understood me when I vented and expressed my thoughts. I wish we could have went on more car rides around the city just to free our minds. Im so shattered and hurt by this because you and Kierra are my world. I feel like a chunk of my heart has been ripped out my chest. My baby brother, I know God is giving you the peace you deserved in this world which puts my mind a little more at ease. Save me a spot and hug our brother for me. Please watch over Kierra, the bond y’all shared can never be replaced and she needed you more than any of us. Wrap your arms around her and let her know that everything will be okay. I’m so proud of you for fighting so long, in my eyes you won the battle, forever 22 and free! My protector and shield I love you baby boy, see you later

Move On? by Tammy Brown

To “move on” is to put something behind you forget about it And never look back To “go on” is to forever carry it forward with you and never forget A bereaved parent will never move on, We simply go on…

Gone to soon RIP: Damonta

~ Love Jeff and Shawanda

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