Deandra Sanders Program

Saturday, June 11, 2022 | 11:30 AM

274 Leslie Wood — Red Oak, Texas 75154 Bishop Charles Green, OfficiaƟng He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. Matthew 10:39

Deandra was the baby of three children born to Inez Sanders and the late Donald Wayne Sanders on November 29, 1984 in Dallas, Texas. She received Christ at an early age when she attended Santuary of Liberty Church in Dallas, Texas. There she participated in the youth choir and established a foundation in the Lord. Deandra attended Cedar Hill High School. Shortly, after she began her career as a Leasing Agent. Deandra gave birth to her first born Devonte Edwards on December 18,2000. She then gave him a younger brother, Jerémiah Kee on May 9, 2010. Followed by Mekhai Sanders on August 24, 2017. Last but not least she blessed them with their baby brother Joshua Sanders on November 9, 2020. Deandra enjoyed spending time with her family. She was a talented writer and an amazing singer. She was a diva with caring heart. If you knew her, you knew how outgoing and adventurous she was. Deandra leaves to cherish her memories: children, Devonte Edwards, Jeremiah Kee, Mekhai Sanders, Joshua Sanders; mother, Inez Sanders; siblings, Donald Wayne Sanders Jr. and Nicole Sanders - Johnson; grandchild Brooklyn Edwards; nieces and nephews, Izaiah Johnson, Anaya Johnson, Elijah Johnson, Kia Sanders, Kiarra Sanders, K’vozea White, Hassan Sanders, Egypt Sanders, Lyric Sanders, Joshua Sanders. Unfortunately Deandra was preceded in death by her father, Donald Wayne Sanders; brother; aunt, Linda Mosley.

1984 - 2022

We love you. Although you are gone, All four us will remain strong. From then until the end,

We promise to not only be brothers but best friends. Each of us carry a different part of you within.

Thank You Momma for all You Did.

As I stare at your picture my heart is empty my emotions are all over the place I miss that look on your face That would always give you away Oh the times we had and memories we shared my tears are heavy because you’re gone You leaving before me is so wrong It hard to accept But I know Gods plan is the best for is His not my own. My baby girl, My Precious world. my youngest child you are gone but you left with me four parts of your personali ty I wish you were here to see until then pray for me So that I may bear loosing my Mini me Together one day we’ll be I miss you my DEDE I thought of you today but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. Life will not be the same without you call ing my name. I will miss you calling my phone and leaving a message at the tone. I will miss your bright soul as they put you in a hole. All I have is memories and your picture in a frame but without you in my life it will never be the Same. You'd remember things about me that I lost about myself. From songs to food and music too. You was my rider and slider Baby Sis, you were my fighter. The only one who could get away with murder. From being in my clothes and shoes and picking pieces off my food. Right Now I’d do any thing to be with you. Since you always had me, know I got them I love you forever Deeka Deeka

I feel bad for the ones who couldn’t see that you were the brightest star shining through the darkest night. It was you who gave me hope in many cold nights. A beautiful black woman who birthed four sons, No life wasn’t fair but you showed me I can have heart and still be square. My deepest condolences to those who never got to meet you, who never got to see what I see. That tender heart who cared for more than just me. Cared for all of you and everything y’all go through. She was blessing to many and realer than most. Those conversations play back in my head got me reminiscing about the things you said You put on game and showed me I can smile through pain. Oh how I miss you, this a hurt that’s unreal. Words don’t describe how I feel. But I have to face reality, that God called you home even tho you not with me — I’m happy. You prolly up there talking bout us chopping it up with ya daddy. Tell my papa I said wassup, But on a real note, watch over us

Deandra Denise Sanders, DeDe, Deeka Deeka as dad called. Lil momma you are al ready missed and will continue to be missed. Girl you have idea of the hole you have left in the center of me, momma, and coka moke’s heart. Rest Easy Baby Sis. This pill is almost unswallowable. Just know we got the boys. Tell dad, baby bro, and aunt Linda

we miss them too. love your big bro

Never thought you would be gone so soon, you may not have know but you have taught us all an important lesson in life; "forgiveness" no matter what we do we all hope God forgives us in the end, I can't remember anytime in life you holding a grudge towards anyone even after being wronged! And if someone was holding one towards you you made them forget about it quick with your laughter and cheerful spirit, you were a great person, and never minded helping anyone with anything no matter what it was or the time of day! But as always all great thing must come to an end and The Lord has called in a great one! I know you fought to stay but God's work must be done. this is one strong village that will raise these boys. I thank God for the time he allowed you to be here with us, I know fasho you are up there making joyfull music for the Lord, I just hope we all make it there one day to hear it!

Oh my sweet auntie, you will truly be missed. I’ll miss all the Nicki Minaj rapping days and arguing over MY clothes, I’d give all my clothes to have you here with me. I was the daughter you always wanted, i’ll forever be a diva because of you. Thank you for bringing the sweetest babies into this world. I pray that you’re resting peacefully, walk with me on this journey of life. I love you forever

I will hold our memories close to my heart although it hurts I can smile at all our goofy loving moments DeDeI love you forever you will always be in my heart it's not goodbye it's see you later

- F®Äƒ½ AÙكĦ›Ã›ÄãÝ EÄãÙçÝ㛗 TÊ - Golden Gate Funeral Home D R . J OHN E. B ECKWITH , S R . - F OUNDER & O WNER Dƒ½½ƒÝ, T›øƒÝ 214 - 941 - 7332

FÊÙã WÊÙã«, T›øƒÝ 817 - 478 - 9555 Tƒ½½ç½ƒ«, LÊç®Ý®ƒÄƒ 318 - 574 - 6100

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