Deondrick Chaffin_LRG Book


We’ve loved you from the moment you were born! You brought so much joy to our lives. You never gave us a hard time and took heed when you were told to make “good choices”. You’ve left a void that can never be filled. I will miss our calls and Sunday FaceTime with you saying, “What’s up “OG” or “What’s up Cuz?” I will also miss you coming in for Sunday dinner and saying, “Hey Lil Lady, what did you cook today?” Daddy will miss you coming in saying “What’s up Pops” and you guys laughing at those funny videos. This is not goodbye but see you later.

Love Always and Forever, Mom and Pops

Boo, my only brother and my very first best friend! My whole childhood holds some of my best days because of you! I wish that I could tell you that I love you one more time or that we could “thug” one more time! I will miss you saying “what’s up fat girl” every time you see me. You are older, but you know that I was the Big Sis! You taught me so much and I will never forget it. I can’t wait to see you later! I love you so much! Big Sis, “Fat Girl”

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