Diann Nash Program
To My Momma #2, My Nana, I Love You … This one is a very hard pill to swallow but why? I’m going to do what you taught me to do and that is to have faith in God. So instead, I’m going to cherish your memories and remember every lesson you taught me. Your faith in Jesus Christ is why I’m where I’m at right now. Auntie I’ve followed you from a distance in your faith and I truly thank you. You’ve been in my life from the beginning and you’ve never told me “NO” even when my mother ask you “Diann why did you just give Michael all your stuff” and you replied “That baby just trying to cook.” I’m going to cherish our memories and its not “goodbye” but “See you later”. Momma #2 tell Big Cat that Lil Cat said “I love and miss him”. To Eulonda, Ronnie and Clanford III Big Cat might hear some pots rattling and get his pot liquor.
I Love you Diann “The West Dallas Queen”
LoveÊYouÊAlways, MichaelÊCooperÊakaÊLilÊCat
I miss and love you so much.
Mama D, the notable calls/texts will dearly missed.
LoveÊYouÊForever, Aaron,ÊKisha,ÊKi’AarynÊKamryn
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