Diann Nash Program

Letter tMy Family To My Sister, yes you can make it because you have God in your life and I’m with our Mother now. We will help you make it so don’t cry long, be happy for you know how much I love you. LoveÊAlways,ÊDiannÊCooperÊNash To Eulonda, you know I have loved you in a very, very special way, because you were my first born. You are the stronger of the four of you all. So you have to be the mother now and help your brothers and my grandkids. I will see you one day but if you need me just call my name and I will be there to help you. Eulonda, I’m back to tell you this, I love you more than words can say. Be strong and take good care of your grandkids. Be there for them and you. To Ronnie, I love you, I love you and don’t cry long because you know I need you to smile for me everyday. Take care of your son. Always be there for him. Be there for your sister and brothers. I love you always, your best friend and mother. LoveÊYouÊAlways,ÊDiannÊCooperÊNash Fats, Fats, how do I love you so so very, very much. Please take care of your son and daughter. We have had some good times and some bad times but I always loved you. I’m going away but I will be with you always. Just call my name and I will be there. Don’t cry long because I need you to help Qonnia and Kitty. LoveÊYou,ÊMama Qonnia, Qonnia, I love you so much. You were there with me, I know you did not understand some of the things I did to you are said to you, but take those things with you always. Be there for your children like I was for you. I love you and all the gifts you gave me. You never forgot Mother’s Day, My Birthday or Christmas, Thank You. LoveÊAlways,ÊYourÊGranny,ÊDiannÊCooperÊNash Miss Kitty, we had some good days and a lot of bad days, but I will always love you. Stay as sweet as I know you can be. Stay out of trouble. Keep that smile on your face. Help your family and I will see you one day. I have so much love for you. LoveÊAlways,ÊGranny

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