Donald Richards Program

P਒ਏਃਅਓਓਉਏ਎ਁ ਌ Sਃ਒ਉਐਔਕ਒ਅ Rਅਁ ਄ਉ਎ਇਓ

Old Testament – Rev. Michael Richards New Testament – Rev. Michael Richards P਒ਁ ਙਅ਒ Rev. Michael Richards Sਏ਌ਏ

Edwin Hawkins Rਅਓਏ਌ਕਔਉਏ਎ਓ Rਅ਍ਁ ਒਋ਓ Lਉ਍ਉਔ 2 ਍ਉ਎ਕਔਅਓ, P਌ਅਁ ਓਅ Sਐਅਃਉਁ ਌ Rਅ਍ਁ ਒਋ਓ Baron, Edward, Michael, Rickie ( The Sons) Family from Houston Sਏ਌ਏ Pastor M. T. Body Eਕ਌ਏਇਙ Rev. Floyd Mayberry Fਉ਎ਁ ਌ Vਉਅਗਉ਎ਇ Golden Gate Directors

Rਅਃਅਓਓਉਏ਎ਁ ਌ Jਏਈ਎ 14:1 - 3

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

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