Douglas Mathis Program

Douglas Carver Mathis, Sr. was the eleventh child born to the parents of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Mathis, Sr., and Eva Bell Mathis, on June 3, 1945, in Dallas, Texas. Douglas is a 1963 graduate from James Madison High School. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry, fromHouston Tillotson College. He later enlisted in the United States Marines. While on active duty in the United States Marine Corps, Lance Corporal, Douglas received multiple life threatening injuries from an automatic rifle while he was on a mission in Viet Nam. He was then shipped to the Philippine Island and was hospitalized for an extended period of time. After some months, he was transferred to the location of 106 General Hospital of Yokohomo, Japan. Douglas was medically discharged from the United States Marine Corps because of severe wounds that he received while on active duty status in Viet Nam. His distinguished Medal of Honor was the Purple Heart. Throughout the years, Douglas has continued “medical care intervention” on an out patient basis at local VA Hospitals for injuries he received in Viet Nam. On July 28, 2022, Douglas Mathis’ destiny here on earth was completed. He relinquished the earthly challenges of sickness, discomfort, pain, suffering and life. He departed from his earthly travel of seventy seven years, and entered into Eternal rest. Some of his family members who preceded him in death are his parents; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Mathis, Sr., and Evie Bell Mathis, Courtney Mathis, Essie Mathis Randle, Bessie Mathis Loud, Curtis Mathis, Jr., O.B. Mathis, and Lee Mathis. Some of his love ones that he leaves to cherish his precious memories are his children; Curtis, III, Douglas, Jr., Christopher, Robert (Bobby), Michael, and Shalanda, grand children; Nastassjia, Xavier, Wyatt, David and Christine, great - grandchild, Serenity, sisters; Mattie, Mittie, Mary, Daisy, Dovie, brother, Johnny, and many other family relatives, cousins, and friends. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. 2 Timothy4:7-8

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