Edna Turner Obituary

A Butterly’s Story Written by Ashley Spriggs

In fields of dreams where flowers dance, there flies a butterfly, in a gentle trance.

With hues that paint the morning sky, It whispered secrets, reaching high. Through whispers soft, it told a tale, Of struggles faced, of strength to prevail. From humble beginnings, it took flight, Embracing challenges with all its might. Though fragile wings faced winds so strong, It soared above, where it belonged. In every flutter, a lesson learned, In every setback, resilience earned. Through meadows green and skies so blue, It spread its message, clear and true. To never give up, to always believe, In the beauty of dreams, that we have weaved. So let us learn from this creature of grace, And chase our dreams in every place. For like the butterfly, we too can rise, And paint our own stories in the skies. Oh, butterfly, your journey inspires, Through valleys deep and you soaring higher. May we learn from your silent flight, To embrace change and reach for light. So when life's challenges come each day, We'll spread our wings and find our way. For in each struggle, a chance to rise, Just like this beautiful butterfly.

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