Geneva Allen_2fld purple

Final Arrangements Entrusted To

John E. Beckwith, Jr. - CEO & Owner Dallas, Texas 214-941-7332 Fort Worth, Texas 817-478-9555 Tallulah, Louisiana 318-574-6100

cooking, online shopping, Luther Vandross, jigsaw puzzles, reading and documenting in her many planners. She had a sticker for every life event in those planners! If you knew Geneva, you knew that Hazelnut creamer, a margarita and El Fenix Crazy Nachos always brought her a smile. Geneva was a cherished friend, and the forever fiery middle sister to Mae Frances and Byron. She was preceded in death by her parents, grandparents, aunt, uncles, sister-cousin Eva Lee Hodge, BFF Phyllis Lister, work “bestie” Krystil Fox, and “Ralpie the Wonder Dog.” We are confident that Geneva is with the Lord and with her loved ones, and we look forward to that appointed time when we will see her again. Geneva will be cherished in memory by her children, Gregory Mark Allen, Julia Frances Allen- Price, O’Bryant Christopher Allen, and Bradford Christian Allen; grandchildren, Ariana Michelle Allen, Nekiah Mark Allen, Evan Mark Allen, Julian Matthew Price, Jasmine Patrice Price, and Nyla Diane Price; sister, Mae Frances Rowlett; brother, Byron Keith Rowlett; goddaughter, Kori Brown; fiancé Anthony Brown; and a host of nieces, nephews, relatives, colleagues, and friends.

G ENEVA D IANA R OWLETT was born on July 5, 1960, to Julia Frances Williams Rowlett and Sonny Rowlett in “Sunny South Dallas.” Geneva accepted Christ at an early age and was baptized at New Friendship Baptist Church. She was a member of the Children’s Choir, the Imperial Youth Choir, and served as Church Secretary for several years. Named after her aunt, she was called “Diane,“ until a typo was discovered on her birth certificate. About that time, she enrolled in the Phillis Wheatley Elementary School, and wanted to be called Geneva. She believed it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission, and perfected the art of being a little sister – often asking, “did Mama REALLY say that?” At W.H. Gaston Jr. High, she became the first Black student to make the Cheyenne Drill Team. Long before the CROWN Act, all members had to cut their hair the same length. That was why she wanted to join! Geneva graduated from Dallas’ Skyline High School in 1978 and furthered her education at El Centro and UNT. She married Gregory Mark Allen, and had two beautiful children - Gregory Mark and Julia Frances. Geneva cherished being a mother, and later opened her heart and home to sons O’Bryant and Bradford Allen. While the role of mother was one of her proudest accomplishments, the role of grandmother brought her unspeakable joy! Geneva loved all six of her grand babies dearly, and enjoyed sharing stories of their growth, accomplishments, and success. Geneva worked at Children’s Hospital and Taylor Publishing Company, before starting a career (in 1985) at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). She was proud to let everyone know whenever they Ranked #1 among the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government and was honored to serve as Legal Secretary to the Regional Counsel in the Dallas Regional Office, Litigation and Resolutions Branch. She enjoyed volunteering (Meals on Wheels and CASA), sharing walks and lunches with co-workers; and planning the Work Week Wardrobe themes with Krystil - from colors to cammo - while boss Vickey always played along with them! Geneva had a candid, loving, giving and unapologetic nature. She cherished being from South Dallas. She relished holidays, birthdays, and special occasions, and enjoyed sharing these moments with her family and friends. Geneva enjoyed

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