Helen Parker Program

I wish I could have got another chance to go to the Kingdom Hall with you. I really want to sit with you and watch your favorite shows again (Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, and Family Feud). I wish I could have goƩen more Ɵme with you Dea. - Love, Rickey

Holding close to every memory Another day passes by SƟll in a state of disbelief

I will take a moment to remember you. I close my eyes; they are filled with tears. I listened closely and I heard your voice. Your laugh, your scolding, and the wisdom. You’re not another person but a feeling forever etched in my heart. I will miss our talks and the Ɵmes we’ve had. My heart will long for your presence Yet I have peace in knowing I will see you soon in the new world. - Mora

My best friend, you were there for my first breath, and I was there for your last. I have tears of both sorrow and joy. It crushed my heart that I could not bring you

any physical comfort. Then my burden was liŌed as you took your last breath, because it meant you were no longer suffering. One day you will hear your name called and you will come out at that Ɵme. There will be no more sickness, no more pain, no sorrow. - Lynn Job 14:15a Rev21:34

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