Henry McLemore Program
I’m going to miss you very much, from going over your house cooking, and you asking me to cook you some pancakes. Uncle, you loved my pancakes and my kool-aid. I’m going to miss playing the game with you and hearing your humming in the other room. Especially hearing the random moments where you would say “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking”, or you taking us on a ride in big blue. I will never forget the stories of you telling me you rushed me to the hospital when I was being born. I’m going to miss getting phone calls from you playing on my phone. Last thing you told me was that you was proud of me. Those words will stick with me forever. Love your favorite niece, Ja’Zay. To my Phone Buddy My brother was one of the most positive and wise people that I will miss getting advice from. Henry loved his family outside them Cowboys and would do anything in his power to help someone in need. Henry, you are loved and you will be truly missed. Love your sister, Christian. To the Pain in My Butt, I will miss you talking so much noise to everybody, but what I will miss the most is you calling me saying: Hulk - Susta! Me - What Hulk? Hulk - Do you love me? Me - Yes, what do you want? Hulk - Susta, can you make us some Macaroni Casserole & Meatballs? Love Susta aka Big Linebacker Dear Uncle Big Butt, I am going to miss you sharing your Oreos with me - JaLynn Brother, I’m going to miss those calls saying “Susta, what you doing” and we laughing at each other. At the end of the day we was mama and daddy three musketeers. — Love Ebany
Brother in law, You will always be my bench buddy— V. Howard Uncle , I’m going to miss playing video games with you— Love Pooh Pooh.
Uncle , I’m going to miss you calling me Big Head— Love, Big Head Jr.
Uncle , I’m going to miss your pancakes and your funny faces— Love, Tata. Uncle , I’m going to miss all of your jokes— Love, Mollie.
Uncle , I’m going to miss you calling me midget— Love, London
Uncle , I’m going to miss talking about sports and wrestling— Love, DJ
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