Irene Lott Program

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. ~ II Timothy 4:7 F RIDAY , D ECEMBER 23, 2022 1:00 PM G OLDEN G ATE F UNERAL H OME 4155 S. R. L. T HORNTON F RWY . D ALLAS , T EXAS 75224 Pastor Dr. David Cavitt Sr., Officiating

Irene Lott was born June 27, 1949 in Lisman, AL and was the first born of the late Mae Frances Lott. Irene accepted Christ at an early age and joined Little Hope Baptist Church in Lisman, AL. After moving to Dallas, TX, Irene joined Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church. Irene accepted Christ at an early age and joined Little Hope Baptist Church in Lisman, AL. After moving to Dallas, Irene joined Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church where she was a

faithful member for over forty years. She was preceded in death by her mother, Mae Frances Lott and her sister, Diane Cavitt. She leaves to cherish her memories: two children, Chelletha Lott Fowler (Adrian Fowler) and Ray Lott of Dallas, TX; a granddaughter, Hadiya Rawlins of Fort Worth, TX; two sisters, Evelyn Lott Taylor of Washington, D.C. and Janet Lott of Lisman, AL; nieces, Felicia Cavitt of Dallas, TX, Jacqueline Flinn (Nathan Flinn) of King George, VA, Kearstein Hines (Curly Hines) of Red Oak, TX; nephews, Shaun Cavitt (Maryam Cavitt) of Las Colinas, TX, Jeffrey David Taylor of Brooklyn, NY; a host of great nieces and nephews, Shaun Cavitt, Jr., Christian J. Lott, London Cavitt, Nia Modkins, ArShaun Cavitt, Josiah Hines, Jadon Cavitt, Elijah Flinn, Sarah Flinn; two close family friends: Jeanetta Britton and Bernadine Moore; and a host of friends and relatives.

Irene was a selfless woman who was loved by all who knew her.

A S ERVICE OF P RAISE AND T HANKSGIVING for the Life, Love, and Legacy of

Music Prelude

Processional/Viewing……..………….…….. Golden Gate Directors

Solo………………………………………...…….. DeBette Britton

Scripture Readings Old Testament………………………... Pastor Jeanetta Britton New Testament…………………………... Pastor Deon Britton

Prayer of Comfort……………..………… Jacqueline Frances Flinn

Solo…………………………………………...…….. Lakey Handy


Expressions ……………...…….......................…...... Limit 2 Minutes

Solo……..………………………………...…….. Bernadine Moore

Special Tribute………………………...……… Evelyn Lott Taylor

Message of Comfort and Hope…..…… Pastor Dr. David Cavitt, Sr.


A thousand words could not bring you back… I know because I tried… A thousand tears could not bring you back…

I know because I cried… I really miss you mom, Tell me: Although your soul is at rest, and your body free from pain,

The world would be like Heaven if I had you back again You're always in my thoughts no matter where I go, Always in my heart, Because I loved you so. However long my life may last, Whatever land I view, Whatever joy or grief is mine, I still remember you. I really miss you mom.

Irene, a woman of strength and courage.

We love you and your presence will be sorely missed by us, Janet and Evelyn, your sisters. You were an example of love to all of us and expressed that love through your many acts of kindness and devotion to the family.

We will never say goodbye but “see you later” until we join you and the Lord forever. Hallelujah and Amen.

Love, Evelyn & Janet

I thought I saw her face today in the sparkle of the morning sun. And then I heard the angel say, "Her work on earth is done." I thought I heard her voice today then laugh her hearty laugh. And then I heard the angel say, "There's peace, little one, at last." I thought I felt her touch today in the breeze that rustled by. And then I heard the angel say, "The spirit never dies." I thought that she had left me for the stars so far above. And then I heard the angel say, "She left you with her love." I thought that I would miss her and never find my way. And then I heard the angel say, "She's with you every day." Love, Felicia, Jacqueline, Shaun, Kearstein & Jeffrey

“ The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged .” D EUTERONOMY 31:8

"You changed my life without even trying and I don't think I could ever tell you how much you meant to me. I can't imagine what things would be like if I hadn't met you." I am going to miss you Ms. Lott. L OVE , B ERNADINE Love is what love does. To my Irene, my Poohda, Renna Pooh Pooh, you are my bestie and my sister. I know that our relationship came from the Bible, Mark 3:35: “Whoever does God's will, will be my brother and sister and mother.” Poohda, I can't believe you went before me. You didn't drop out of the race; you finished the race. So many times (I can't remember) I drove the car, you rode shot gun, but you were the one who told me which way to go. From Mingo to Goldwood, we were always there for each other. You did so much for me since I’ve been very sick. On Sundays, you would send Lisa or Fefe for me and have me brought to visit with you or attend to my needs. I regret I was not able to be there for you. It pained me so badly not to be there, but you know I was praying. L OVE , J EANETTA B RITTON

C HANGE OF A DDRESS Today I serve you notice that I have a new address. I am in Heaven with my Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous one. Eyes hath not seen The things God has prepared For those that love Him. I’ll be interceding with the Great High Priest for you. I Love You! God Loves You Too!!

I’ M F REE Don't grieve for me now, I'm free. I'm following the path God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard him call. I turned my head and left it all. I could not stay another day To laugh, to love, to work or play Tasks left undone must stay that way. I found that peace at close of day. If my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Ah yes, these things I too shall miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow; I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full; I've savored much; Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch. Perhaps my time seemed all to brief; Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.

Lift up your hearts and share with me; God wanted me now He set me free.

There is such great comfort in the assurance that we are not alone in this hour of our great loss. That assurance is affirmed by the many warm and sincere expressions of comfort and sympathy each of you have shown. We extend gratitude for all acts of kindness and concern during this season. Your personal visits, telephone calls, delicious food, cards, beautiful floral arrangements and especially your fervent prayers, are deeply appreciated. May the rich and abundant blessings of the Lord be upon each of you. The love you’ve shown to us will never be forgotten.

Pastor Dr. David Cavitt, Sr. Kenny Williams Fred Cavitt Pastor Deon Britton Curly Hines Nathan Flinn

Ray Lott Shaun Cavitt Jeffrey David Taylor Adrian Fowler Shaun Cavitt, Jr.

Laurel Land Cemetery Dallas, Texas REPAST 827 Goldwood Dallas, Texas 75232

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