Irene Lott Program
A S ERVICE OF P RAISE AND T HANKSGIVING for the Life, Love, and Legacy of
Music Prelude
Processional/Viewing……..………….…….. Golden Gate Directors
Solo………………………………………...…….. DeBette Britton
Scripture Readings Old Testament………………………... Pastor Jeanetta Britton New Testament…………………………... Pastor Deon Britton
Prayer of Comfort……………..………… Jacqueline Frances Flinn
Solo…………………………………………...…….. Lakey Handy
Expressions ……………...…….......................…...... Limit 2 Minutes
Solo……..………………………………...…….. Bernadine Moore
Special Tribute………………………...……… Evelyn Lott Taylor
Message of Comfort and Hope…..…… Pastor Dr. David Cavitt, Sr.
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