Irene Lott Program
"You changed my life without even trying and I don't think I could ever tell you how much you meant to me. I can't imagine what things would be like if I hadn't met you." I am going to miss you Ms. Lott. L OVE , B ERNADINE Love is what love does. To my Irene, my Poohda, Renna Pooh Pooh, you are my bestie and my sister. I know that our relationship came from the Bible, Mark 3:35: “Whoever does God's will, will be my brother and sister and mother.” Poohda, I can't believe you went before me. You didn't drop out of the race; you finished the race. So many times (I can't remember) I drove the car, you rode shot gun, but you were the one who told me which way to go. From Mingo to Goldwood, we were always there for each other. You did so much for me since I’ve been very sick. On Sundays, you would send Lisa or Fefe for me and have me brought to visit with you or attend to my needs. I regret I was not able to be there for you. It pained me so badly not to be there, but you know I was praying. L OVE , J EANETTA B RITTON
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