Joanne Wheeler Program

The Homegoing Celebration For the Life of

Sƒãçٗƒù, S›Öã›Ã›Ù 10, 2022 | 3:00 PM Gʽ—›Ä Gƒã› Fçěك½ HÊÛ 4155 SÊçã« R.L. T«ÊÙÄãÊÄ FÙóù. Dƒ½½ƒÝ, T›øƒÝ 75224

Obituary JʃÄě (G›Ä㽛) W«››½›Ù was born to the late Green Lee Gentle and Ida (Gentle) Lamb in El Dorado, Arkansas on November 1, 1965. At an early age, she loved to sing, listen to music, and read her bible. Her family moved to Dallas, Texas and they joined West Mt. Horeb BapƟst Church. Joanne aƩended Bryan Adams High School and worked in

retail management for over 25 years. In December of 1986, she married Gregory Wheeler and they were blessed

with a large and loving family. They had 5 children: Tiffany Gentle, Ashley Wheeler, Chasity Wheeler, Kortney Wheeler and Tyquisha Wheeler. During their marriage, the Wheeler family constantly traveled due to Greg being in the Army. They lived in several states and a few different countries – including Germany where three of their children were born. While traveling, Joanne collected all different types of purses, music, furniture, souvenirs, and decoraƟve items (especially crystals).

Joanne returned to Dallas in the mid - 90’s where she lived and worked for most of her life. During that Ɵme, she met a new love named Jason Jackson. Jason worked extremely hard to help Joann raise all of her small children and grandchildren for over 20 years. Jason moved to Dallas from Ennis, TX and he comes from a very large and loving family. Joanne leaves behind lots of family and friends that will forever cherish her memories:

Her 4 beauƟful children, her 11 grandchildren: Jasmine, JusƟce, Diaz, Makayla, Za’Camryn, Jackson, Maliyah & Makenslei (twins), Malaysia, Journey and Madison; 2 great - grandchildren: Lauren and Jamir (born a few hours before she passed).

Her Mother Ida (Gentle) Lamb, her Stepfather JB Lamb, Sisters: Barbara JeaneƩe Sledge, Cora (Leon) Jernigan, Angela (Larry) Hodges. Stepsister Rochelle Stretches. Brothers: Dennis Lee Gentle and Michael Gentle. Stepbrother: Shawn Stretches. Lots of nieces and nephews. Her very special friends: Margert Johnson and Family, Yolanda Odom, Karla Frazier, Greta, Rita Evans, Tonya Kelly. She is preceded in death by her husband Gregory Wheeler, her father Green Lee Gentle, her siblings: David Wayne Gentle and Connie Marie Gentle, her precious newborn baby girl Ashley Renee Wheeler, and her best friend LA Deana.

PÙʑ›ÝÝ®Êă½ Entrance of family O½— T›ÝãƒÃ›Äã Pastor Tim Mosley N›ó T›ÝãƒÃ›Äã Pastor Ron Cook Pكù›Ù Pastor Ron Cook O®ãçƒÙù R›ƒ—®Ä¦ Sisters (I’m Free)

FƒÃ®½ù TÙ®ç㛠Slide Show

R›ÃƒÙ»Ý (2 îÄçã›Ý Ö½›ƒÝ›) Friends and Family

MçÝ®‘ƒ½ IÄã›Ù½ç—› DVD Songs

Eç½Ê¦ù Pastor Jernigan

Eø®ã MçÝ®‘ Going Up Yonder

T®¥¥ƒÄù Momma, you were the best to me. You were my protector, best friend, and my world. You will conƟnue to live through my Jack & Journey, because they have similar characterisƟcs to you. I will cherish all of the memories that we shared within our lives together. I love you mom like no other. I will conƟnue to speak your name so your grandchildren will always remember and become famil iar with Granny Jo. Love you and I will see you on the other side.

KÊÙãěù Momma, as you know, I’m a man of few words… there’s just not a whole lot I ever want/need to say. I can’t ex

press enough how I truly appreciate EVERYTHING you always did for us. People say: “working two jobs is for two people”, but you worked two jobs to ensure we were never with out necessiƟes, and new furniture – LOL. You always did what needed to be done to ensure your family had the things we needed, even aŌer your kids became adults. That’s why, I’ll never regret return ing the favor. LOVE YOU MOM, MAY YOU REST IN ETERNAL PEACE

Hey mama… this is Chaddie speaking…. You are not here but I just had to get a few things off my chest. For starters, I MISS YOU ALREADY! It just doesn’t seem real that you are no longer here. I really do miss you! People say we act just alike. LOL. I wish you were here to see my first grandbaby – Jamir. You held on as long as you could but we know you had to leave us; we just weren’t ready; not right now! I thought I was ready but I wasn’t. You were supposed to stay here just a few more hours so you could meet Jamir. You were ready for him, but I guess you couldn’t wait any longer. You always said that I was your strongest child, but at this moment I feel like I’m not. I feel lost and confused even though I know God doesn’t make mistakes. I

feel like he made a mistake with this one. You weren’t supposed to leave us here. We need you. The lord gives his toughest baƩles to his strongest soldiers. So now I have to step up and honor you. As for Looking aŌer my siblings – mama I got it. I’m going to make you proud. That’s What you asked me to do, if you ever passed away… is to look aŌer them. That’s one of the memories that will always be with me. It’s a good thing you’re not in pain or suffering anymore. I love you with every breath and bone in my body. UnƟl we meet again. REST IN LOVE MAMA! YOU WILL FOREVER BE IN MY HEART AND NEVER FORGOTTEN MRS. JO!

TùØç®Ý«ƒ Our lives go on without you But nothing is the same We have to hide our heartache When someone speaks your name. Sad are the hearts that love you Silent are the tears that fall You did so many things for us Your heart was kind and true And when we needed someone We could always count on you. The special years will not return When we are all together But with the love in our hearts You walk with us forever. Living here without you Is the hardest part of all.


I W®½½ G®ò› YÊç R›Ýã Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

I'à Fٛ› Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free I'm following the path God has laid you see. I took His hand when I heard him call To laugh, to love, to work, to cook. Tasks leŌ undone must stay that way I found that peace at the close of day. If my parƟng has leŌ a void Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss Oh yes, these things I too will miss. Be not burdened with Ɵmes of sorrow I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full, I enjoy much Good friends, good Ɵmes, a loved one's touch. Perhaps my Ɵme seemed all too brief Don't lengthen it now with extreme grief. LiŌ up your hearts and peace to thee God wanted me now; He set me free. I turned my back and leŌ it all. I could not stay another day

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