Joanne Wheeler Program

PÙʑ›ÝÝ®Êă½ Entrance of family O½— T›ÝãƒÃ›Äã Pastor Tim Mosley N›ó T›ÝãƒÃ›Äã Pastor Ron Cook Pكù›Ù Pastor Ron Cook O®ãçƒÙù R›ƒ—®Ä¦ Sisters (I’m Free)

FƒÃ®½ù TÙ®ç㛠Slide Show

R›ÃƒÙ»Ý (2 îÄçã›Ý Ö½›ƒÝ›) Friends and Family

MçÝ®‘ƒ½ IÄã›Ù½ç—› DVD Songs

Eç½Ê¦ù Pastor Jernigan

Eø®ã MçÝ®‘ Going Up Yonder

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