Jodi Jones Program

The color green is a symbol of vegetation -as seen in the scriptures. The color green signifies rest, stability, hope and abundance.

Rest - Psalms 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,; He leads me beside the still waters. The godly person who tastes the goodness of God in all his enjoyment though he may have little of this world's resources. It is still a green pasture. If you want stability in your life check out Psalms 52:8 But I am like a green olive tree in the House of God. I trust in the loving kindness of God forever and ever. Like the Green Olive Tree I must live a life of thankfulness and holy joy in God. Our duty as living green vegetation -requires us to make the Lord our hope, his fa vor the good we hope, and his power the strength of our hope. Our hope will flourish like the tree that is always green , whose leaves do not wither; they shall be cheerful to themselves and beautiful in the eyes of others. Just remember the color green , this person is fixed and established in the faith and has inward peace and satisfaction. If you want to experience green pastures (rest and contentment) Green Olive trees (inward peace and stability) and yield fruit by being a witness. Your life can be as the color green full of life and yielding good fruit for those around you to see and glorify God in heaven. In the forest of the kingdom of God you want to be cheerful and beautiful in the eyes of others. You can! You can make eternal investments in the economy of Heaven. Your life can be like the color green . When you know that person is going through the scorching heat of a fiery trial.


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