Lafayette Neal_lrg2fld Black and clouds new
On behalf of the Neal Family, your kind expression of sympathy is gratefully acknowledged and deeply appreciated. A special thank you to all the nursing home staff of Villages on MacArthur and Ashford Hall Nursing and Rehabilitation for the kindness, loving care, and friendship so freely given to Junior .
Active Pallbearers Deacon Staff of the New El Bethel Baptist Church
Honorary Pallbearers Michael Neal Jesse Neal BB Neal Elliott Neal Isaac Phillips Steve Neal Korey Neal Darryl Neal Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Dallas, Texas
—Signature Services Entrusted to—
John E. Beckwith Jr., CEO & Owner Dallas, Texas (214) 941 - 7332 Fort Worth, Texas (817) 478 - 9555 Tallulah, Louisiana (318) 574 - 6100
Processional / Musical Prelude The Neal Family
Lafayette Neal "Junior" was born on July 18, 1949 in Dallas Texas to the parents of the late Deacon L.F. Neal Sr and Jessie Lee Neal. Growing up in the southern suburb of Oak Cliff, Lafayette was surrounded by an abundance of neighborly love. Everyone on Bonnie View knew "Junior". He was not only loved, but also looked after by all in the community. No one bothered Junior. Lafayette was always thought of as the walking miracle. In his early teenage years, Junior was struck by an automobile, so severe that the damage left him in a coma for 60 days. But God! His mother (who affectionately referred to him as Junebug) never left his side. His grandmother, the late Sis. Elizabeth Neal fasted and prayed until he woke out of the coma. God proved himself once again. One of his favorite things to say was " I TOLD YOU." Junior loved to laugh and was so joyful. Junior never let his adversity stop him from pressing forward. Although it left him with some permanent physical and mental damage, he graduated high school from F.D. Roosevelt in 1968. Before recycling became popular, Junior was the community ’ s recycler. Lafayette was saved at an early age. He professed his discipleship to Jesus Christ by being baptized by his grandfather, the late Pastor B.B. Neal. He was young and full of energy and all he knew was his church - The New El Bethel Baptist Church. If you could not find anyone in service, you could always count on Junior being present and on the front row. He was active in his Sunday School and the Sunday evening BTU (under the leadership of the late Deacon Herman J. Barlow). Junior was every choir ’ s MAIN Tenor. In fact, he could be the Tenor section all by himself. His naturally gifted ear for harmony was incomparable. His first solo was "Over my head, I hear music in the air." When Junior sang, he sang for the Lord. He's been in every choir including the Youth choir, Young Adult choir, Male chorus, and the world - renowned Senior choir. Lafayette departed this extraordinary life on September 16, 2023. Although he remained unmarried with no children, he is survived by loving nieces, nephews, cousins, community friends, and a loving church family.
Hello Mother, I done made it over Hello Mother, I done made it over And I don' t know about you but sometimes, I had to cry But he wiped the tears - tears from my eyes Yes He did y'all And I made it - I made it over And I'm alright now - Alright now
Congregational Hymn “ I am on the Battlefield for My Lord ”
Old Testament Rev. Edward Taylor, New El Bethel Baptist Church
New Testament Rev. Runell Warren, New El Bethel Baptist Church
Prayer Evangelist Jean James
Song of Assuranc e New El Bethel Baptist Church Choir
Church Resolution(s)
Remarks/Expressions of Encouragement Limit to 2 minutes, please
Eulogy Elliott Neal
Musical Tribute BB Neal
The Preached Word Dr Timothy Brown, Sr Pastor – New El Bethel Baptist Church
Final Glimpse Golden Gate Funeral Home
Recessional / Musical Postlude
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