Larry Stephens
My Stinky Butt I've been so blessed & thankful for the relationship that stayed & continued to grow outside of everything else. You've been my BF since day 1 which of course turned to much more! You knew I wasn't going nowhere no matter the circumstances. Just know I love you more than life will ever know itself. You've been my heart for a long time & had it in so many ways. All of our inside jokes, goofy sayings, & movies we watched
over & over, especially the ones I introduced u to will always be something close & dear to my heart that no1 can take from my memories. Being the loving friends & companions was always something that we never let go no matter what, & I will always cherish that. Nobody ever really understood us & probably never will. I had the last call with Jooney & his conversation is something I'll never forget. I heard him peacefully falling asleep on the phone not knowing that'd be the last call & God would be calling him home. 12 years of so many adventures, struggles, ups & downs that I wouldn't trade. I Love you "Jooney" Larry Wayne Stephens Jr. Rest In Heaven Babe. - Jessica Scott I still can't believe that you're gone. I'm going to miss that beautiful smile that you had and the funny stories that you told me. I won't forget the way you always told me, "Auntie chill". And I won't forget the look you'd give me when you knew you were in trouble and not telling the truth, but it just wasn't in my heart to discipline you. I know I could never replace your mother but I loved you just like you were my own child. You fought a good battle and now it's time for you to rest, no more pain. I will always love you! Auntie Tonnette To my nephew Jr.
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