Lionell Hill_smbk red

was a blessing a treasure beyond words


Hey Dad, never would I ever thought I would be talking to you blindly, let’s start off with I love you, I wish you never left the way you did but you did. If the shoe was on the other foot you would not approve lol, you taught me so much even when I disagreed but every disagreement was a lesson, I promise

beyond measure

I will not disappoint you, I feel like I lost my protection barrier. I know how I was living which really isn’t bad but you knew I could do better. There’s no more getting into with men knowing you were going to drop everything and come, and still to this day I don’t mind punching a nigga down. You gave me strength and courage, you showed me that not everyone was to be trusted and not everyone is my friend. Mad or upset you were with me, you made sure I was good. I love you and I’m crashing out. There is no more you and I have to learn to be the new me without you and its going to be hard but you raised a hard body, a soldier, so I know I got this I love you Dad, so guide and watch over me and your grandchildren. You’ll never be forgotten. Lynecia “ Boola ”

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