Makisha Pippens

M A ’K ISHA E ARNETTE P IPPENS was born on February 23, 1978 in Dallas, TX to the parentage of Mrs. Julvita Pippens and Mr. Earnest Pippens. She was introduced to Christian life at an early age. She professed faith in Jesus Christ at Mt. Gilead Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Roy Locke. Ma’Kisha attended public schools in Dallas, TX and graduated

from Lee Gresham Pinkston High School in 1996. She received an Associate Degree in Business from El Centro. She started her career path at Parkland Hospital where she met and married the love of her life Christopher Robertson in October 2004 and to this union three children were born, Jordan, Ja’Chrisha and D’Asia. She was a dedicated mother first and foremost. She treasured her children and embraced every moment with them. She was proud of their accomplishments and loved them with all her heart and soul. MaKisha had a special bond with her husband whom she showed unconditional love and respect for. Ma’Kisha was preceded in death be her grandparents; mother, Julvita Pippens; dad, Earnest Pippens; and her husband, Christopher Robertson. She is survived by her sisters, Tamesha (A. D.), Aineiska, Ernita; children, Jordan, Ja’Chrisha and D’Asia; granddaughter, Cevyn; and a host of uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends.

R EST E TERNALLY IN L OVE “This Too Shall Pass”

Ma’Kisha Earnette Pippens

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