Margaret West

Saturday, November 25, 2023 |1:00 pm G OLDEN G ATE F UNERAL H OME 4155 S. R. L. Thornton Frwy. — Dallas, Texas 75224 Pastor Prince McDowell, Officiating P ROCESSIONAL Clergy and Family H YM OF C OMFORT “His Eye is on the Sparrow” (GG) S CRIPTURE R EADING Old Testament: Sharon Graham New Testament: Deborah Smothers P RAYER Pastor Prince McDowell S OLO “ Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross ” - William Andrew R ESOLUTIONS Church and Others R EMARKS Limit 2 Minutes, Please S PECIAL R EMARKS Chrishondra Nichole Jones (Granddaughter) Victor West ( Brother) S OLO “ Precious Lord ” - William Andrew P ARTING V IEW Golden Gate Directors R ECESSIONAL Clergy, Family and Friends

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