Mattie Caraway Funeral Program

Mother, I promised you and my father that I would never ever put the two of you in a nursing home. I honored that promise with my father and with you until March 24th at 11:33pm. There are so many memories that you have placed in my heart over the years. One that I will forever cherish growing up is Saturday nights. After you had worked a long day at the beauty shop, you would come home and cook me and Bruce the juiciest hamburgers with fresh cut french fries while we watched “The Untouchables” on TV. I will forever remember Sunday mornings when you would get me and Bruce up to polish our shoes, and comb our hair to get ready to go to Sunday School on time. Before we would leave, my father would give us our weekly allowance money…and that was a great thing. After Sunday School, we would go with you into the sanctuary for Sunday Service. You know I had a bad habit of chewing gum. Mother, you would pinch me so hard and pull a Kleenex out for me to take the gum out of my mouth. Mother, I will never forget the whippings you would give me with your long leafy switches. Especially the whippings I got for things I thought I did not do. When Bruce would chase me out the house on Saturday mornings when we were home alone, sometimes I would still be in my pajamas. I would catch the 14 Lagow bus through downtown to my mother’s beauty shop in South Dallas. You always welcomed me, your baby, into the beauty shop and you would send me down the street to Good Luck Hamburgers where I was always treated to a hamburger, french fries and a chocolate malt with extra chocolate. Those were days I will never forget. Mother, the highlight of all my years with you was the love and affection you had for me and mine for you. Throughout all my years of education in radio, politics and the community, I always tried to keep a smile on your face and our family. I watched you and remembered the love and care you gave to me, my brother, my daddy, especially your father and mother (moma and pops) and other family members. Mother, I will always cherish and remember our talks. Mother, it is going to take me a while to get past you leaving me but I know that you are no longer suffering and you are now at peace. You are reunited with my father, and I know you are so happy and having a wonderful time. You will forever be in my heart, and I will forever cherish you as my mother. Until we meet again,

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