Peggie White

I can’t express enough what you have been for me. But I can tell you how many people envy the thought of sharing you and being your favorite. And anybody who said your fried chicken wasn’t the best could never make it. I cannot deny this feeling or shake it… a world without you is like a house for sale unsettled and vacant. Grandmas hands healed wounds that are deeper than craters in the moon. Grandmas hugs saved me … and those I love you I will see you soon. And honestly and truly we all know this so well.. it was never goodbye with Gigi but simply TTYL. In grandmas eyes I could never fail … I come from the bloodline of PL . You kept my deepest secrets until the very end … and more Importantly you weren’t just my Gigi you who were my friend. I don’t know how the story ends but I can say just this much … nobody will ever truly know what you meant to us. You weren’t just the foundation, you held us close together so that’s all we knew. We never thought we’d lose our glue. But here’s something that will always remain true. There will never be another like you. And If you’re a grand-girl you must not ever forget don’t come around with a bad bra that doesn’t fit .. or get schooled on proper bra etiquette. And trust she’d be tickle … and laughing saying that bra is … too little. Grandmas hands prayed to God for our safety and told us what we always needed to hear, Gigi my heart will never beat the same and but I know you’re always near …. “ I can still feel you whispering China doll come here. It’s with deep anguish I have to let you go but I find comfort in knowing you made it home . Thank God for grandmas hands . … I love you Gigi Patience Gandma’ Hand

Neve Say Goodbye When I was growing up you never let us say goodbye. I never truly understood but wouldn’t dare ask you why? Now that I’m older granny I finally see.

The word you made me avoid all these years would set you free. I will never be able to except this and I will never comprehend. I know God needed you more and I have no choice but to understand. You told me to never question God again I never asked why? But I promise you granny I will never say the word goodbye. Keanna

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