Rebecca Stell_LRG Book pink

The family extends sincere appreciation for all acts of condolences shown during our bereavement. Your many kind deeds and expressions of love and concern have been comforting. May God bless each of you.

Active Pallbearers

Brian Brooks

DeRoderick Ingram

Dr. Jelani Ingram Desmond Patterson

Jeremy Johnson

Jason Sneed

Honorary Pallbearers

Gregory Hicks Paul Ingram

Christopher Benjamin Ingram

Ronald Ingram Michael Turner

Bertram Thomas

Revenskial Turner

Final Resting Place Laurel Land Memorial Park Dallas, TX

Life Reflections R EBECCA M AE S TELL was born on April 20, 1944, in Marshall, Texas, to the late Alton Ingram and Nancy Jane Flakes-Ingram. She transitioned from this life to eternity on December 17, 2023. A solid foundation in Christ was not an option in the Ingram household. Rebecca accepted Christ at an early age and was baptized at Jerusalem Baptist Church in Marshall, Texas. Educated in the Marshall Independent School District, Rebecca was known to be very studious. Always exuding the character of leadership, she was a cheerleader at H.B. Pemberton High School. Upon graduating from high school in 1962, she attended Bishop College in Dallas, Texas. In her later years, she acquired a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Texas – Arlington. Texas Instruments was the inception of her professional experience. During the tumultuous sixties, it was uncommon in Dallas for African Americans to work in the corporate environment. Rebecca’s intellect, personality and leadership ability afforded her the opportunity to work at Braniff Airlines and Republic Bank of Dallas. Determined to become a business owner among a family of entrepreneurs, Rebecca became a mortgage broker and founded her own company – Mortgage By Design.

Rebecca met and later married on October 4, 1969, William Ardis Stell. To this union, St. Nicholas Batiste Stell, was born Christmas Eve, 1972.

During her early years at Mt. Tabor Baptist Church, Rebecca was the pianist for the children’s choir. For many years, Rebecca was a member of Mt. Sanai Baptist Church, under the pastoral leadership of Dr. U. S. Cornelious. Upon her return to Mt. Tabor, she became active in the Ruth Sunday School Class and a greeter in the Hospitality Ministry. Rebecca remained faithful until her health began to fail.

Rebecca will be remembered for her unwavering love of family, exceptional class and elegance, and being a beautiful home decorator.

Rebecca is preceded in death by her husband, William Stell; parents; siblings Dorothy M. Thomas, John D. Ingram, Paul M. Ingram, Benjamin F. Ingram, and Clarice Jackson.

Cherishing her memories is her son, Nicholas; stepdaughter, Renita Sharp; stepson, Victor Stell; sister, Virty Williams-Ellison (Herman); brother, Dr. Jesse Ingram (Janice); sister-in-law, Joan Ingram; grandchildren, Seth Stell, Micah Stell, Renisha Payne, and Kaylyn Williams; and a host of nieces and nephews. Special love and gratitude to her niece, Natasha Ingram, who stood by her as the daughter she never had.

Order of Service Thursday, December 28, 2023 | 11:00 AM Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church 3700 Simpson Stuart Road |Dallas, Texas 75241 | Pastor Branden Walker, Eulogist Rev. Austin Ingram, Officiant Exodus Community Baptist Church — Dallas, TX

Prelude ……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………. Musicians

Processional .……………………………………..……………………………….… “ When We All Get to Heaven ”

Old Testament Scripture …….……………………………….….………. Evangelist Demetrius Ingram - Davis Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church—Dallas, TX

New Testament Scripture …...……………..………………………………….….………. Rev. Lance Roquemore St. John Baptist Church—Decatur, TX

Prayer ……………..……………...………………………………………………….….………. Rev. Orlando T. Williams Unified fellowship Church—Dallas, TX

Resolutions ……………………………………………………..………..….. Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church

Video Presentation

Special Remarks ………………………………………………….………… Annette Mims, H. B. Pemberton H. S. Dr. Jesse Ingram, Family St. Nicholas Stell, Son

Solo …………………………..……………………………………………………………....……………… Johnetta L. Ingram

Eulogy ………………………………………………………………………………………….... Pastor Branden D. Walker


Memories of Rebecca

Rebecca, I love you sister. Even though my heart aches I know you are in a better place where there is no more pain. I am thankful that we had a great life together. I realize how empty my life will feel without you. I ’ ll see you one day.

Love Forever, Your Sister, Virty Williams - Ellison

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