River of Life Church Founders Day

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Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Jr., is the pastor/founder of the River of Life Church where he has been the senior pastor for 23 years. Since responding to the call of pastor, he has touched the lives of people from all walks of life. The servant-leader as he is, and with an eager to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world, Bishop Nichols founded the River of Life Church in December of 1998, and since then he has poured into this rapidly growing ministry with messages of faith, hope, and salvation. Five years ago, God entrusted Bishop Nichols with a new 35,000 square feet facility, were we are currently located at 335 South Parks Dr., Desoto, Texas where he faithfully teaches and preaches on Sunday, and Bible study every Wednesday evening. Bishop Nichols biggest passion is teaching faith principles which has caused him to see people lives change and countless others surrender to Christ. Moreover, his unique gifts and charismatic style of delivering the Word of God has impacted lives all across the country. Bishop Nichols desire is to positively impact the lives of all God’s people. From this passion, he founded Camp Boys to Men - an organization seeking to lay the foundation for boys between ages 6 and 17 by preparing them to become Godly men, and to be positive forces in their communities and families. Bishop Nichols is the father of three children, LaDestiny, LaMiracle, and Robert III and one grandchild Skai; he holds strong family values, which emanates from his love and compassion for not only his natural children, but his spiritual children as well. Bishop Nichols have been honored for his great leadership abilities, and the multiple contributions that he’s given for his support to the DeSoto community. He is actively involved in the DeSoto Police and Clergy Group (DPAC) - a partnership with law enforcement to help reduce crime in the area. Bishop Nichols is also an ardent supporter of the battered women’s ministry and non-profit organizations for battered Women. Bishop Nichols teaches/preaches daily at 12:15 pm on KGGR Radio station, along with the 911 Morning Kingdom Prayer Call that he founded more than 10 years ago .


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Pastor Jonathan Roberson

Pastor Johnathan Roberson is a native of Memphis, TN and Senior Pastor of the Temple of Praise Ministries Church, a thriving and growing congregation founded by his grandparents, Elder Jerry and Mother Loui se Love. Pastor Roberson’s ministry spans across the globe, having ministered literally across the U.S. and even internationally and abroad. Pastor Roberson is a prophetic & apostolic voice for the times, impacting lives wherever God sends him. Pastor Roberson was called into the ministry at the age of 5 years old, and it was then that he preached

his first sermon. Pastor Roberson was licensed and ordained at the age of 15 and installed as Pastor at age 18 making him the youngest Pastor in the city of Memphis. A high school graduate and college student, he’s studied psychology as well as religion. He has been recognized and received numerous certifications including, a certification in church growth and development and church trainer. He holds many accolades just to name a few: Jurisdictional Chairman of AIM convention, for TN Metropolitan Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction COGIC where Bishop Linwood E. Dillard, II is Jurisdictional Prelate. He is also District Chairman for Rehoboth Fellowship District COGIC. Co-Founder of iPreach Network & Alliance, Inc. a ministry alliance for young preachers and young leaders. A traveling evangelist, prophet and teacher, he is notably one of the most sought out voices of his time with his powerful, prolific, heart warming and soul stirring messages. He’s a powerful intercessor, with a strong mantle of prayer. He’s a writer, recording artist and CEO. Pastor Roberson is committed to excellence in all that he does, as well as serving his peers and the body of Christ. Pastor Roberson is second oldest of 4 and is the only male. Pastor Roberson’s greatest endeavor is to make God proud. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Shawanna Kirkendoll “Shreveport’s Rose of Gospel” She is a native of Shreveport, La. She is a wife, mother, and a woman of God. She has been singing and ministering since the age of 8 on many different platforms. She is a proud member of The New Love Restoration Church of Shreveport, where she serves under the leadership of Pastor T. Lovelle Butler. She is a newly signed recording artist for The Black Smoke Music Worldwide under Mr. Kerry Douglas.

Nevertheless, she is a willing and ready vessel being used by God. Her favorite saying is “Only What You Do For Christ Will Last”. She sings under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and is known for her richness and tone of her voice.

Bishop Robert L. Nichols Jr. an the First Family wishes to acknowledge with sincere thanks to all of our family and friends for their many acts of kindness shown them during their time of this awesome celebration.

To our guest speaker, Pastor Jonathan Roberson, and our guest psalmist, Shawanna Kirkendoll, we say thank you!!! To the River Family, we thank you

from the depths of our hearts for all that you do. Bishop Robert L. Nichols and the First Family. #RIVERSTRONG

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