Sabria Roman Program

Thursday, February 8, 2024 | 11:00 AM M ETRO F ELLOWSHIP C HRISTIAN C HURCH 1136 W. Beltline Rd. | DeSoto, Texas 75115 Pastor Gene Lewis

Processional……………..………… Clergy and Family

Hymn of Comfort……… Metro Fellowship Musicians

Scripture Reading………….….. Elder Elbora Williams (Son of Man Worship Center)

Old Testament New Testament

Prayer………………………. Bishop Marcus Pipkins Sr. (Grace & Mercy Deliverance Church)

Song ………………………..………. “ I Told the Storm ”

Obituary (Silent Reading)………………... Soft Music (Metro Fellowship)

Expressions of Love…….…….Limit 2 Minutes, Please

Eulogy…………………….………….. Pastor Bruce Ray (Son of Man Worship Center)

Parting View……….………… Golden Gate Directors


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