Shirley Omulo
And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. J OSHUA 24:15 (NKJV)
Friday, July 21, 2023 11:00 am All Nations Seventh Day Adventist Church 3618 Roosevelt Dr. Arlington, Texas 76016 Pastor D. L. Ford Sr.
Ministers & Family
Musical Selection
All Nations Praise Team
Elder George Osano
Opening Prayer
Musical Selection
Alpha Praise Team
Scripture Reading
New Testament Old Testament
Kieran Alexander & Chandler Lawrence
Rev. Winston Howell
Musical Selection
All Nations Youth
Special Remarks/Tributes (Limit 2 Minutes) Church Tribute by the Youth Church Tribute by the Women/Mothers Church Tribute by the Men Resolutions Musical Selection Special Remarks/Tribute (Limit 2 Minutes) Community Tribute
Pastor Rogers Johnson
Friends Tribute Vote of thanks
Musical Selection
Bryan Cliffton
Family Special Remarks
On the behalf of the siblings – Winifred Clayton On the behalf of the children – LaTonya Copeland Husband – Elder Sam Omulo
Video Musical Selection
Pearl Selane
Pastor D. L Ford Sr.
Parting View
Golden Gate Funeral Home
The Funeral Cortege
S HIRLEY – T HE PERSON Shirley Marie Howell was born on October 24, 1950, in Waldo, Arkansas to her late father Elex Howell and her late mother Margie Nell Wesley Howell. Shirley attended and graduated from West Side School in Waldo, AR in 1968. She accepted Christ as her personal savior at an early age. She was preceded in death by her oldest grandson, Kwade Alexander, sister Geraldine Shaw and Janice Howell. S HIRLEY – T HE W IFE After forty-four years together, I can say without hesitation that she was the perfect wife. S HIRLEY – T HE M OTHER : Tributes provided by LaTonya, Shctoro (Reginald), January and Samuel II Mama was our angel on earth. She was the most loving and selfless woman we know, and it was a privilege to call her Mama. She always put the needs of her children before her own. Mama enjoyed spending quality time with us or simply having a conversation with each to see where our head was. Mama had the capability of invoking deep thought without using a plethora of words. Mama’s love language was receiving gifts. It didn’t matter to her if it was some candy, body wash, perfume, or a dress, she was grateful for it all - it wasn’t the gift, but that you thought of her when she wasn’t in your presence. She was the most appreciative person we know. Everyone should be as blessed as we are to have had her as our Mama! S HIRLEY – T HE G RANDMOTHER (BKA N ANA ) Tributes provided by Estevan, Kieran, Chandler, Laila, Jordynn, Tre’ & Kingston Nana, today we honor you, our teacher, mentor, and friend. For as long as we can remember, everything you did and said was as precious as gold. We held on to your every word, but your actions spoke even louder. You taught us love, patience, forgiveness, and countless life lessons. What an honor and privilege it is that God gave us you. Now that you’ve done all you can and your assignment is complete, it’s time for you to get some well-deserved rest. No need to worry, your work is not in vain. From now on, it’s our turn to carry on our family’s name. S HIRLEY – T HE S ISTER : Tributes provided by Marzell, Ezell, Lynn, Mimi & Dalphney Our sister, Shirley, was the kind of sister everyone needs. She was the sister who loved and took care of her siblings regardless of the need. Her wit was always quick and timely. And she seemed to have supersonic hearing; she didn’t let us get away with anything. She was our protector, defender, guardian, confidant, nurturer, teacher, guide, role model and friend. She catered to her brothers when they wanted a special dish (tea cakes, banana pudding, greens, meat loaf, or biscuit pudding). Shirley prayed with us during tough times and celebratory times, listened and shared Godly wisdom and truth in a loving manner when we needed it (even when we didn’t want to hear it); she had no issues letting us know when we had stepped out of line. Shirley was the little sister and gardening partner for Marzell; the playmate and partner in tough times and fun times for Ezell; and the big sister, babysitter and shopping buddy for Lynnwood. From the time Winifred (Mimi) and Dalphney were born, we had the blessed experience of having Shirley as a loving sister but also as a second Mama; she encouraged us and showed us the women God created us to be. Her love and memories will live in us always. S HIRLEY – T HE A UNTIE : Tributes provided by Trina, Reggie, Kristal, Adrian, Kita, Briana and Maliik Shirley Omulo was such an outstanding mother, but she was also the aunt we always needed. If she wasn't engaging through conversation or leadership, she was letting her bubbling personality create an aura with her family that was irreplaceable. She was always the stylish aunt who would not be seen without being one to watch. A real lady's lady. God fearing and full of endless love, Shirley will always be the aunt that made everyone feel loved and special. S HIRLEY – T HE I N - LAW : Tributes provided by Professor Elias & Margaret, Mama Grace, Mama Ellen, John & Eunice, Henry and Beatrice, Moses, Joseph and Caroline, Wilson and Everlyn, Peggy, Francis and Barbara For 28 years our friendship was always great. You were always kind, caring, and so much fun. I never once felt like a stranger in your presence; as a matter of fact, I never felt like a sister-in-law. You always made me feel like your best friend or a close family member. You and Elder Omulo welcomed me and my family into your home with the utmost hospitality; going to great measures to ensure that we were comfortable and fed (And you were a great cook). You treated me with genuine love and respect, but I observed that you treated everyone with the same demeanor. You were always the epitome of a Virtuous Woman…always putting God first, your husband next, then your family and friends. Shirley, you were a model Christian woman, knowing God’s word and being obedient to his will. We all have a lot to learn from your Godly behavior. I miss you so much. You will forever be in my heart. It is indeed very sad that Mrs. Shirley Omulo has slept in the Lord at her prime age. I first met Shirley in 1991 when I visited them at their residence in Arlington Texas. Her Elder Sister in-law, Margaret, also visited them sometime later in 1993. When we later exchanged our experiences, we unanimously agreed that Shirley was a jewel to the Omulo's family. She had a very warm heart full of love for her family and relatives. She was very organized as well as compassionate to family members. We were really impressed with her planning skills and ability to make visitors feel at
home. She always talked about her desire to frequently visit her matrimonial home in Kenya. Her Christian life was beyond reproach. Surely, she will be missed by her lifetime friend Sam OMULO, Children, grandchildren, relatives and friends. May the unity that she cherished bind the two families in Kenya and the United States. We have had a very cordial relationship. She was a lady who expressed her joy and happiness towards her family. My memories remain fresh and think of good moments we shared as a family. It's hard to accept that you are gone. Fare the well SHEMEJI. S HIRLEY – T HE FRIEND The news of Sister Shirley’s passing was very devastating to us as friends, church, and the entire community. As a God-fearing lady, sister Shirley was very humble, caring, friendly to all age groups, supportive to her Husband and all those around her. Sister Shirley was always ready to volunteer in any capacity as needed. She had a contagious positive attitude which impacted many in one way or the other. She was a selfless giver both spiritually and materially that we shall cherish forever. RIP our friend till we meet again on resurrection day. S HIRLEY – T HE CULINARY ARTIST Mama was willing to share her wisdom and knowledge except for the family recipes. Not to have been born in Africa, she learned and mastered many East African dish es. She also taught East African women how to make Sukuma wiki (greens) & sa maki (tilapia). She had the ability to enhance the recipe to make it her own. Her highly requested delicacies were dressing, German chocolate cake, banana pudding, sweet potato pie, creamed corn, creamed spinach and tropical tea. S HIRLEY - A S AN A MBASSADOR OF C HRIST Sis. Shirley Omulo had a calm and gentle personality, making her an effective am bassador of Jesus Christ. She actively served both her church and the community, supporting various ministries and being dependable on those who needed her. Peo ple trusted her and sought her advice and guidance, knowing that she would keep their conversations confidential. S HIRLEY - I N THE C OMMUNITY The passing of Mrs. Shirley Omulo is a painful loss, as she was a precious and com passionate person. She served as a matriarch with a caring heart, dedicating count less hours with her husband to visit and help people in the larger DFW community. Despite preferring to work behind the scenes without seeking recognition, she was a remarkable counselor and mentor to people of all ages, using her gifts to bless the community. Mrs. Shirley Omulo will be remembered as a beacon of hope, a symbol of goodness, and an embodiment of true love. May she rest in peace. S HIRLEY -T HE SPORTS FAN & LIVING ROOM COACH Mama was a Dallas Cowboys fan. From Michael Irvin to Dak Prescott. She loved the Dallas Mavericks. She loved to watch Dirk Nowitzki and Luca Doncic. She also followed the Golden State Warriors for the style of play that Steph Curry exhibited. We would have watch parties and she would prepare an assortment of dishes for the games. She also enjoyed watching MMA and found it very exhilarating. During the game, she was very vocal in expressing her satisfaction or dissatisfaction, as a Coach, in how her teams were playing.
A golden heart stopped beating; hard working hands put to rest God broke our hearts to prove to us that He only takes the best
Our dearest Shirley You will always stay Loved and remembered In every way No tears, no verse Can ever say how much We will miss you every day
We, the family of Shirley Omulo, would like to extend a heartfelt thank you. Words cannot express the gratitude we have toward our family and friends who have consoled us with so much love during this time of bereavement. We thank God for blessing our family with each of you and ask you to continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Maliik Clayton Adrian Howell Reggie Shaw
Kyle Henry
Estevan Lawrence Morris Shaw
Anthony Alexander Marzell Howell Reginald Lawrence
Lynwood Howell Winston Ezell Howell Samuel Omulo II
Skyvue Memorial Gardens Funeral Home & Cemetery Mansfield, Texas
Medical Contributions and Financial support can be sent to CashApp ($samomulosr.) and or Zelle # 469-321-3704.
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