Shirley Omulo

home. She always talked about her desire to frequently visit her matrimonial home in Kenya. Her Christian life was beyond reproach. Surely, she will be missed by her lifetime friend Sam OMULO, Children, grandchildren, relatives and friends. May the unity that she cherished bind the two families in Kenya and the United States. We have had a very cordial relationship. She was a lady who expressed her joy and happiness towards her family. My memories remain fresh and think of good moments we shared as a family. It's hard to accept that you are gone. Fare the well SHEMEJI. S HIRLEY – T HE FRIEND The news of Sister Shirley’s passing was very devastating to us as friends, church, and the entire community. As a God-fearing lady, Sister Shirley was very humble, caring, friendly to all age groups, supportive to her Husband and all those around her. Sister Shirley was always ready to volunteer in any capacity as needed. She had a contagious positive attitude which impacted many in one way or the other. She was a selfless giver both spiritually and materially that we shall cherish forever. RIP our friend till we meet again on resurrection day. S HIRLEY – T HE CULINARY ARTIST Mama was willing to share her wisdom and knowledge except for the family recipes. Not to have been born in Africa, she learned and mastered many East African dish es. She also taught East African women how to make Sukuma wiki (greens) & sa maki (tilapia). She had the ability to enhance the recipe to make it her own. Her highly requested delicacies were dressing, german chocolate cake, banana pudding, sweet potato pie, creamed corn, creamed spinach and tropical tea. S HIRLEY - A S AN A MBASSADOR OF C HRIST Sis. Shirley Omulo had a calm and gentle personality, making her an effective am bassador of Jesus Christ. She actively served both her church and the community, supporting various ministries and being dependable on those who needed her. Peo ple trusted her and sought her advice and guidance, knowing that she would keep their conversations confidential. S HIRLEY - I N THE C OMMUNITY The passing of Mrs. Shirley Omulo is a painful loss, as she was a precious and com passionate person. She served as a matriarch with a caring heart, dedicating count less hours with her husband to visit and help people in the larger DFW community. Despite preferring to work behind the scenes without seeking recognition, she was a remarkable counselor and mentor to people of all ages, using her gifts to bless the community. Mrs. Shirley Omulo will be remembered as a beacon of hope, a symbol of goodness, and an embodiment of true love. May she rest in peace. S HIRLEY -T HE SPORTS FAN & LIVING ROOM COACH Mama was a Dallas Cowboys fan. From Michael Irvin to Dak Prescott. She loved the Dallas Mavericks. She loved to watch Dirk Nowitzki and Luca Doncic. She also followed the Golden State Warriors for the style of play that Steph Curry exhibited. We would have watch parties and she would prepare an assortment of dishes for the games. She also enjoyed watching MMA and found it very exhilarating. During the game, she was very vocal in expressing her satisfaction or dissatisfaction, as a Coach, in how her teams were playing.

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