Stefanie Alexander Program
As long as you're in my heart, you will always be with me. Love, Mom
I am going to love and miss you so much. I am so grateful that you were my mom. You sacrificed so much for me and Chee just to give us whatever we wanted. I am going to miss you at my graduation, wedding, when I have kids and any other life event, but your touch will definitely be there. I know you are having a ball up there with Jesus. You are finally resting and not worrying about oth ers. I am at peace knowing that you are at peace. Thank you for everything. I love you mom and can’t wait to see you in eternity. Love your, Maiyaboo.
My Sissy I love you so much. The pain I feel right now is indescribable. If you seen one of us, the other wasn't far behind and now you're gone. You weren’t supposed to leave me but God had oth er plans. I'm going to miss you so much! Love Your Sissy
My dear sister, there are no words to describe the hurt and emptiness I feel knowing I will no longer see your smile or hear your voice calling me “Sheena”. I was 12 when you were born, even though we were sisters, you were my baby. I remember taking you everywhere with me, my friends and their parents knew you. You, as an adult with children, I still felt the need to protect you and make sure you were good. I thank GOD for the forty years we had to share. I love you for eternity, you will always be my baby. Goodnight until we meet again. Love Always,
Until meet again, goodbye my dearest Sister/Cousin, I love you forever. Twana
Thank you for always being the friend I needed. God put you in my life for a reason. The laughs, love, disagreements and friend ship we shared is priceless. Stephanie you were the rock to so many people. You always knew what to say and always showed true love to me. I will never forget the moments we shared. True friendship comes in different fashions. The bond we shared will never be replaced and I will hold them dearly to heart for eternity. God called you home because he wanted you more than I needed you. So fly high my sweet friend and rest easy. I love you and will never forget you.
You are the most courageous and strongest person I know. Even in your last hours, you found it within yourself to comfort us. Ask ing us not to cry or be sad and expressing your love for us. I am grateful for all the memories we have together. My favorite memory is of me doing your hair for school pictures. You wanted curly braids. We were up half the night. You went to school smiling, but when you returned home you were sad. I asked what was wrong, you handed me an envelope that your teacher made out of school paper. The envelope read 'My Hair'.. all your braids had fallen out and the teacher put the loose pieces in that envelope. You were so devastated. I am going to miss the family trips and gatherings with you, our almost everyday 3 - 4 hour video chats and phone calls but most of all, I am going to miss you. I pray your flight to heaven was peaceful and granny, granddaddy, Jerry, Stephanie, Lonza and Florine were standing at the gate waiting for you. Hey Joyce, I'm going to miss you sooo much! From me talking your ear off about all my dinosaurs. To you taking me on all of our adventures. I love you Best friend.
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