William Green Program

As I think back over the last nine months, I was sure you would heal and get back to at least 80% of your health, but after time passed, the reality sunk in. I knew it was going to be a struggle getting back because your mind and body had been through so much. Thanks for giving up the car you loved so much, your ’55 Chevy, in order to purchase me my first car. You reminded me of that often! Every chance you got! You fought as long as you could, stubbornness steering your every step. But the Lord knew when it was enough. Rest easy now, Dad. Love you, SharÊGreenÊWest Spending time with you as you were nearing the end Holding your hand Helped me better understand. I am so thankful to have spent your last day with you My hand on your chest Praying for you as you took your last breath.

You said Lord help me and he did. He took the pain and suffering away. In the end I finally understood. I thank God that he can bring beauty from ashes and brokenness. Light to the dark places in our hearts.

Rest Daddy Love, Carla

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