john McNeil Program

A SERVICE OF PRAISE FOR THE LIFE, LOVE AND LEGACY OF Dr. John S. McNeil Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uniformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. ~ I T HESSALONIANS 4:13-14 Thursday, June 1, 2023 | 11:00 AM S T . J OHN C HURCH U NLEASHED 1701 W. Jefferson | Grand Prairie, Texas 75051 Dr. Denny D. Davis

PROCESSIONAL………………………………………………Clergy, Pallbearers, and Family “Soft Music”

FINAL GLIMPSE TILL GLORY………………………..……Golden Gate Funeral Directors

SONG OF PRAISE……………………………………….…………………..Mr. Clark Joseph

OLD TESTAMENT READING……..……………………………………Pastor Ellis Ford, Jr.

NEW TESTAMENT READING……..………………………….…..Reverend Willie Jefferson

PRAYER OF COMFORT………………………………………………Reverend D. Atkinson

MUSICAL SELECTION……………………………….…….St. John Church Music Ministry

RESOLUTIONS…………………………………………...……….St. John Church and Others

SPECIAL REMARKS………………………………...…..Rev. D. Atkins (Counseling Ministry) .. Deacon R.A Parker Deacon Rodney Johnson

REMARKS BY FAMILY AND FRIENDS……………....….…………Limit 2 Minutes, Please

OBITUARY READING…………………………………….………………………...In Silence “Soft Music”

MUSICAL SELECTION………………..………………….....St. John Church Music Ministry

EULOGY……………………………………………………...….…. ……..Dr. Denny D. Davis

RECESSIONAL……………………………………………..……..……….…. Funeral Cortege

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