AIM PROGRAM 1 (1) revised
Program Designed and Printed by : Gregory L. McGill, Jr. Texas East AIM Department Public Relations Director 469.235.8635 |
Host Church River of Life Church 335 South Parks Drive - DeSoto, Texas 75115 Administrative Assistant Robert L. Nichols, Jr. - Host Pastor
The AIM Experience Friday, June 14, 2024 | 7:00 PM The Official Night
AIM Intercessory Prayer Team
AIM Host
Evangelist James Henderson— Vice President of Evangelism
Superintendent Ray Beasley - President of Sunday School
Scripture Reading
Minister Torey Bendy - AIM Executive Staff
Praise & Worship
Texas East Jurisdictional AIM Praise Team
Welcome, esteemed Delegates of the AIM Convention, to this momentous gathering that holds great significance for our faith and Texas East Jurisdiction. As we gather this week, remem ber that it is your presence and participation that make this event truly special. Let us open our hearts and minds to receive an outpouring of God's spirit upon us. I am deeply proud of each one of you, esteemed Superintendent Philip Oliver, AIM Chair man, and the dedicated members of the Evangelism, Missions, Youth, Music, and Sunday School Departments. Your service to the Lord with a spirit of excellence, your efforts in winning souls, and your commitment to building each auxiliary are truly commendable. Let us remember the words of Jesus in John 9:4: 'We must seize the day and work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work.' This is a powerful call to embrace each moment of this convention with a clear purpose and unwavering dedication to our faith. Colossians 3:23 further guides us, encouraging us to approach all aspects of our lives with wholehearted dedication to the Lord: 'Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.' This reminds us that every task can be an opportunity for worship and service, no mat ter how small. In Ecclesiastes 4:9 - 12, we are reminded of the strength found in unity and fellowship: 'Two
AIM Convention Greetings
Lady LaGuesna Rhodes—Music Dept.
Introduction of our Bishop
Administrative Assistant Robert L. Nichols Jr.
VOICE OF OUR LEADER Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. - Prelate
Musical Selection
Texas East Jurisdictional AIM Choir
AIM Greetings/Acknowledgement of Guest
Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr—AIM Chairman
Ministry of Giving
Administrative Assistant Robert L. Nichols Jr.
Missionary Vonda Pipkin—AIM Chairlady/Convention Coordinator Deacon Josef Hill– AIM Staff
are better than one... For if they fall, one will lift his fellow.' This passage em phasizes the importance of community and support as we navigate life's chal lenges together. So, as we come together for the 2024 AIM Convention, let us be mindful of these teachings. Let us work diligently for the glory of God, support one an other in love, and find strength in our unity as the body of Christ. May our time together be filled with worship, encouragement, and the presence of the Holy Ghost. Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. Jurisdictional Prelate
Introduction of Speaker
Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr. - AIM Chairman
Sermonic Selection
Texas East Jurisdictional AIM Choir
Invitation to Discipleship
Bishop Todd Hall
"By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another". - John 13:35 NKJV Dr. Todd Hall Biography Dr. Todd Hall is the eldest of nine siblings, born in Brooklyn, New York to a legacy of preachers of the Gospel, including his father, mother and grandparents. Overcoming the lure of the streets to accept his call to ministry has brought this man of God to a number of crossroads. Choosing ministry over fame and fortune has brought him and those who receive his message of purpose in Christ, greater riches.
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
On behalf of the Texas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Auxiliaries In Ministry Conven tion (AIM) Department, I would like to welcome each of you to our 2024 Convention. I am indeed grateful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity, and I fully support the wise, spirit - filled and discerning leadership and decisions of our leader, Bishop Robert L. Nichols Sr. and am thankful for him. As always, I get excited when all of the saints gather together because the spirit of God is contagious! The theme this year, “ Our Mission Made Possible ”, is so appropriate for this year ’ s convention. For we know that this has not been by our power, nor by our might, but by the power of God and we are grateful that He has brought us this far. I would like to thank the Chairlady and the 2024 AIM Convention Coordinator, Missionary Vonda Pipkin and the entire AIM team for their tireless efforts and hard work to make this convention possible. Thank you to the many visitors, guests, partners and the behind the scenes individuals and to The Texas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction for operating in such a spirit of excellence! As believers, we must contin ue to stand strong, serve, strengthen, and encourage and support the body of Christ. Regardless of what might be going on around us, I believe that even in these times that our future remain bright. Let us continue to uphold the standard of holiness as we press forward, trusting in Him, and believing that greater is coming. I pray God continues to bless each of you, for all you do for the Kingdom.
Dr. Hall is the Pastor and Founder of The Shabach Church in Apopka, Florida as well as the Chief Apostle and Prelate of The Shabach Christian Church Fellowship with churches throughout the US. He has over 30 years of practical experi ence as a Theologian, community leader and youth advocate. His excitement and intensity in de livering the Word of the Lord has helped to revive ministries, restore pastors, rebuild churches and renew the hearts and minds of Believers; as well as, Non - Believers to a new level of faith and commitment to God. Dr. Hall is internationally recognized as the “ Praiseologist ” for his wisdom on the application of Praise and Worship and his remarkable skill to locate Praise throughout the entire Bible. One of Dr. Hall ’ s most notable strong suits, is his ability to combine biblical truths and his understanding that the purpose of mans creation is to Praise, and Worship was created to be an intimate rela tionship between God and man. Dr. Hall is extremely gifted in the closing delivery of his messag es with the melodious sound of his voice and the use of musicians, to bring the anointing of old back into the worship experience. Dr. Hall is the author of 2 best selling books and his 3rd and most recent addition “ My Praise Betrayed Me ” is quickly rising to number one status. Dr. Hall is a frequent guest on the TBN and Word Networks respectively and is affectionately known as the “ you tube ” preacher, as he is one of the most viewed preachers on the internet today. Once you have experienced the explosive ministry of Dr. Todd Hall, curses will be broken, reversed and void in your life. You will listen to Dr. Hall with expectation, as he equips your spirit with an encouraging and empowering message to engage in a battle that is already won!
Humbly submitted, Superintendent Philip D. Oliver Sr. Texas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction AIM Convention
For the battle is not yours, it is the Lord ’ s! – 2 Chronicles 20:15 (KJV)
The AIM Experience Thursday, June 13, 2024 | 7:00 PM Music and Youth Night
AIM Intercessory Prayer Team
AIM Host
Brother Gregory L. McGill, Jr. - Youth Vice President
Sister Alexandra Grant - Youth Coordinator
Old Testament
Sister Zoe Roseberry
Superintendent Philip Oliver, Sr. Jurisdictional AIM Chairman
Missionary Vonda Pipkin Chairlady/Convention Coordinator
Brother Miles Oliver Administrative Assistant
Praise & Worship
Texas East Jurisdictional Youth Praise Team
Minister Robert L. Nichols IIII— Youth President
Special Presentation
Evangelist Jasmun Askew, Youth Chairlady
Musical Selection
Texas East Jurisdictional AIM Youth Choir
Youth Inspirational Speaker
Youth Praise Dancers
AIM Praise Dancers
AIM Greetings/Presentation
Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr.— AIM Chairman
Deacon Josef Hill Asst. Chairman of Operations & Logistics
Minister Torey Bendy Executive Staff
Introduction of Bishop
Administrative Assistant James E. Lee II
VOICE OF OUR LEADER Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. - Prelate
Ministry of Giving
Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr. - AIM Chairman AIM Finance Team
Missionary Vonda Pipkin—AIM Chairlady/Convention Coordinator Deacon Josef Hill– AIM Staff
Introduction of Speaker
Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr. - AIM Chairman
Sermonic Selection
New Breed Christian Church Choir
Missionary Ashley Bendy Executive Staff
Minister Jason Roseberry Executive Staff
Lady Angela Roseberry Executive Staff
P astor Darrell Blair New Breed Christian Church, Fort Worth, Texas
Invitation to Discipleship
Pastor Darrell Blair
A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Pastor Darrell Blair is an anointed Minister of the Gospel and National Gospel - Recording Artist. He has been called by God to the nations in this hour to be a "Voice" for the Joshua Generation". His educational accom
Brother Gregory McGill, Jr. Vice President
Minister Robert Nichols, III President
Evangelist Jasmun Askew Youth Chairlady
plishments include a Degree in Business Administration, graduating from The Southern Bible Institute in 2018 and from Integrity Seminary in 2020 in which he has earned a Doctorate of Theology. Pastor Blair began singing in the youth choir at the age of twelve and accepted his call to ministry in 1991. After years of success as a Minister of Music and Gospel Recording Artist, God called and prepared him to found and pastor New Breed Christian Center, a church "Where Ministry Means People and Everybody is Some body". His preaching ministry is combined with a prophetic anointing, designed to deliver a Rhema Word, and destroy yokes in the lives of those who have been held captive by the very hands of the enemy. In the fall of 2010, Pastor Blair felt the leading of God to submit himself to the leadership and covering of Bishop - Elect Marvin L. Winans, Sr. and align himself with Perfecting Fellowship International (PFI). From writing music, singing, acting, directing, and preaching, Pastor Darrell Blair has yielded himself to God. He is fully persuaded of his call in Christ Jesus and knows that he has been anointed to deliver the Word of God through singing, teaching, and preaching. Pastor Blair is grounded by the love of his life and ministry partner Lady LaTonja Blair and their beautiful and gifted children.
Sister Kreshaylia Byrd Youth Choir Coordinator
Sister Alexandria Grant Youth Coordinator
Elder Brandon Hargrove President
Sister Shirley Geter Vice President
Lady LaGuesna Rhodes Administrator
Brother Brian Cotton Director
Please open your hearts and minds to enjoy "The Ministry of Pastor Darrell W. Blair".
The AIM Experience Wednesday, June 12, 2024 | 7:00 PM Missions, Evangelism & Sunday School
AIM Intercessory Prayer Team
Evangelist Ashely Harvey—Evangelism Elect Lady
Elder Antonio Paden—AIM Staff
Scripture Reading
Evangelist LaJune Gillum—Asst. Elect Lady
Praise & Worship
Texas East Jurisdictional Praise Team
Missionary Robbin Bell—Missions Elect Lady
Musical Selection
Texas East Jurisdictional AIM Choir
AIM Convention Greetings
Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr.—AIM Chairman
Superintendent Johnny P. Hardeman President
Evangelist Ashley Harvey Elect Lady
Introduction of Bishop
Administrative Assistant Robert L. Nichols Jr.
VOICE OF OUR LEADER Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. – Prelate
Special Presentation
Evangelist Ashley Harvey, Elect Lady DOE
Ministry of Giving
Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr.—AIM Chairman AIM Finance Team
Missionary Vonda Pipkin—AIM Chairlady/Convention Coordinator Deacon Josef Hill– AIM Staff
Introduction of Speaker
Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr., AIM Chairman
Sermonic Selection
Texas East Jurisdictional AIM Choir
Invitation to Discipleship
Evangelist James L. Henderson Vice President
Evangelist LaJune Gillum Assistant Elect Lady
Evangelist Latara Tillman
Dr. Latara Tillman ’ s philosophy of Ministry is that she is a worshiper first and a preacher second. She was anointed from her mother ’ s womb to declare definitively the Prophetic Word of God. It has always been the motivation of Dr. Tillman to be productive in the Kingdom. God has used her mightily to change the lives of the saints and birth revival fire to the Body of Christ. She is a native of Sylvania, GA and the Founder and CEO of Latara Tillman Ministries (L.A.T Minis tries). She is a sought - after national evan gelist and conference itinerate presenter for a time such as this. Dr. Tillman has been appointed as the Jurisdictional Elect
Superintendent Ray Beasley Superintendent
Lady of Evangelism for the Northern Georgia Second Jurisdiction Depart ment of Evangelism Church of God In Christ. The continued favor of God has allowed her to be appointed to serve on the International Department of Evangelism of the Church of God in Christ and has been newly appointed as the International Assistant Elect Lady of the International Department of Evangelism of the Church of God in Christ, under the leadership of Pres ident, Gary Sprewell and Elect Lady Dr. Dorinda Clark - Cole. Dr. Tillman also was appointed and serves as one of the International Evangelists for the Church of God In Christ, under the leadership of Bishop J Drew Sheard, Pre siding Bishop and Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis, General Supervisor, National Women ’ s Department. Dr. Tillman will declare that she is most grateful to be a devoted wife to her husband, Superintendent A. DeWayne Tillman, and a caring mother to her daughter and son, which is her most Di vine Mission that God has given her, loving her Family.
Missionary Robbin Bell Elect Lady
The AIM Convention Musical Sunday, June 9, 2024 | 5:30 PM
AIM Institute Facilitator Evangelist Waynell Henson “ That Sunday School Girl ” of Evangelist Waynell Henson is a refreshing voice and teacher of God ’ s Word. She has a gift to energize and refresh leaders, and to cause people to take interest and fall in love with God ’ s LIFE - giving, LIFE - living Word!
Bishop RL Nichols Sr - Prelate
Supt. Phillip Oliver Sr - AIM Chairman Evang. Shirley Geter - Vice President
Eld. Brandon Hargrove - Minister of Music
Elder Daniel Ward - Master of Ceremony
Elder Antonio Paden
Praise and Worship - Texas East Sound of Levites
Greetings - Lady LaGuesna Rhodes Music Department Administrative Assistant
Evangelist Henson is a native of Kansas City, KS. She is a licensed Evangelist Missionary in the Church of God in Christ. Waynell is a member of Dominion Word Ministries Church of God in Christ, Elder Michael McWilliams, Pastor. Waynell is a gifted administrator and Acting Sunday School Superintendent. She is the Co - Chairman of Auxiliaries in Ministry and Jurisdictional Sunday School Field Repre sentative for the Kansas East Jurisdiction COGIC, Bishop L.F. Thuston, Prelate. She is the Assistant International Sunday School Field Repre sentative of the International Sunday School Department of the Church of God in Christ and serves on the Women ’ s Leadership Con ference Planning Committee of the Church of God in Christ Women ’ s International Convention. Evangelist Henson is impacting and growing ministry around the world through the ministry of That Sunday School Girl! She impacts a social media “ Community ” of more than 50,000 and her YouTube channel has been viewed more than 5 million times. Waynell holds degrees in law, an MBA, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. Beyond her educational contributions, Waynell serves on the Board of Trustees for Rust College .
Evangelist Shirley Geter Music Department Vice President
Musical Selections Pastor Myron Bridges and The Great Harvest Church choir Pastor Michael McWilliams and The Dominion Word Church Choir Bro. Solomon Manning
Supt. Philip Oliver Sr. - AIM Chairman
The Bishop Speaks
Bishop R. L. Nichols, Sr.
Special Guests Artist Lady Shabreona Hickman From Memphis Tennessee
Special Guests Artist Certrell Russell and the Choir of the Hour Mount Rose Baptist Church Choir
Convention Announcements
Elder Brandon Hargrove Music Department Minister of Music and President
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