AIM PROGRAM 1 (1) revised

The AIM Experience Friday, June 14, 2024 | 7:00 PM The Official Night

AIM Intercessory Prayer Team

AIM Host

Evangelist James Henderson— Vice President of Evangelism


Superintendent Ray Beasley - President of Sunday School

Scripture Reading

Minister Torey Bendy - AIM Executive Staff

Praise & Worship

Texas East Jurisdictional AIM Praise Team

Welcome, esteemed Delegates of the AIM Convention, to this momentous gathering that holds great significance for our faith and Texas East Jurisdiction. As we gather this week, remem ber that it is your presence and participation that make this event truly special. Let us open our hearts and minds to receive an outpouring of God's spirit upon us. I am deeply proud of each one of you, esteemed Superintendent Philip Oliver, AIM Chair man, and the dedicated members of the Evangelism, Missions, Youth, Music, and Sunday School Departments. Your service to the Lord with a spirit of excellence, your efforts in winning souls, and your commitment to building each auxiliary are truly commendable. Let us remember the words of Jesus in John 9:4: 'We must seize the day and work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work.' This is a powerful call to embrace each moment of this convention with a clear purpose and unwavering dedication to our faith. Colossians 3:23 further guides us, encouraging us to approach all aspects of our lives with wholehearted dedication to the Lord: 'Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.' This reminds us that every task can be an opportunity for worship and service, no mat ter how small. In Ecclesiastes 4:9 - 12, we are reminded of the strength found in unity and fellowship: 'Two

AIM Convention Greetings

Lady LaGuesna Rhodes—Music Dept.

Introduction of our Bishop

Administrative Assistant Robert L. Nichols Jr.

VOICE OF OUR LEADER Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. - Prelate

Musical Selection

Texas East Jurisdictional AIM Choir

AIM Greetings/Acknowledgement of Guest

Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr—AIM Chairman

Ministry of Giving

Administrative Assistant Robert L. Nichols Jr.


Missionary Vonda Pipkin—AIM Chairlady/Convention Coordinator Deacon Josef Hill– AIM Staff

are better than one... For if they fall, one will lift his fellow.' This passage em phasizes the importance of community and support as we navigate life's chal lenges together. So, as we come together for the 2024 AIM Convention, let us be mindful of these teachings. Let us work diligently for the glory of God, support one an other in love, and find strength in our unity as the body of Christ. May our time together be filled with worship, encouragement, and the presence of the Holy Ghost. Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. Jurisdictional Prelate

Introduction of Speaker

Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr. - AIM Chairman

Sermonic Selection

Texas East Jurisdictional AIM Choir



Invitation to Discipleship


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