AIM PROGRAM 1 (1) revised

Bishop Todd Hall

"By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another". - John 13:35 NKJV Dr. Todd Hall Biography Dr. Todd Hall is the eldest of nine siblings, born in Brooklyn, New York to a legacy of preachers of the Gospel, including his father, mother and grandparents. Overcoming the lure of the streets to accept his call to ministry has brought this man of God to a number of crossroads. Choosing ministry over fame and fortune has brought him and those who receive his message of purpose in Christ, greater riches.

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

On behalf of the Texas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Auxiliaries In Ministry Conven tion (AIM) Department, I would like to welcome each of you to our 2024 Convention. I am indeed grateful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity, and I fully support the wise, spirit - filled and discerning leadership and decisions of our leader, Bishop Robert L. Nichols Sr. and am thankful for him. As always, I get excited when all of the saints gather together because the spirit of God is contagious! The theme this year, “ Our Mission Made Possible ”, is so appropriate for this year ’ s convention. For we know that this has not been by our power, nor by our might, but by the power of God and we are grateful that He has brought us this far. I would like to thank the Chairlady and the 2024 AIM Convention Coordinator, Missionary Vonda Pipkin and the entire AIM team for their tireless efforts and hard work to make this convention possible. Thank you to the many visitors, guests, partners and the behind the scenes individuals and to The Texas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction for operating in such a spirit of excellence! As believers, we must contin ue to stand strong, serve, strengthen, and encourage and support the body of Christ. Regardless of what might be going on around us, I believe that even in these times that our future remain bright. Let us continue to uphold the standard of holiness as we press forward, trusting in Him, and believing that greater is coming. I pray God continues to bless each of you, for all you do for the Kingdom.

Dr. Hall is the Pastor and Founder of The Shabach Church in Apopka, Florida as well as the Chief Apostle and Prelate of The Shabach Christian Church Fellowship with churches throughout the US. He has over 30 years of practical experi ence as a Theologian, community leader and youth advocate. His excitement and intensity in de livering the Word of the Lord has helped to revive ministries, restore pastors, rebuild churches and renew the hearts and minds of Believers; as well as, Non - Believers to a new level of faith and commitment to God. Dr. Hall is internationally recognized as the “ Praiseologist ” for his wisdom on the application of Praise and Worship and his remarkable skill to locate Praise throughout the entire Bible. One of Dr. Hall ’ s most notable strong suits, is his ability to combine biblical truths and his understanding that the purpose of mans creation is to Praise, and Worship was created to be an intimate rela tionship between God and man. Dr. Hall is extremely gifted in the closing delivery of his messag es with the melodious sound of his voice and the use of musicians, to bring the anointing of old back into the worship experience. Dr. Hall is the author of 2 best selling books and his 3rd and most recent addition “ My Praise Betrayed Me ” is quickly rising to number one status. Dr. Hall is a frequent guest on the TBN and Word Networks respectively and is affectionately known as the “ you tube ” preacher, as he is one of the most viewed preachers on the internet today. Once you have experienced the explosive ministry of Dr. Todd Hall, curses will be broken, reversed and void in your life. You will listen to Dr. Hall with expectation, as he equips your spirit with an encouraging and empowering message to engage in a battle that is already won!

Humbly submitted, Superintendent Philip D. Oliver Sr. Texas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction AIM Convention

For the battle is not yours, it is the Lord ’ s! – 2 Chronicles 20:15 (KJV)

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