Host Church River of Life Church 335 South Parks Drive - DeSoto, Texas 75115 Superintendent Robert L. Nichols, Jr. - Host Pastor

GreeƟngs: Delegates of Texas East EcclesiasƟcal JurisdicƟon 2022 AIM ConvenƟon, Oh, magnify with me, and let us exalt his name together. I pray that this communicaƟon finds you and your family enjoying the abundant blessings of our gracious and merciful God. I am godly proud of Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, AIM Chairman, and the Texas East AIM Department. Under your leadership, the department has grown significantly. Stay focused and keep serving the Lord. I look forward to a great Ɵme of spiritual enrichment, training, and fellowship as we gather in the city of DeSoto, Texas, for our 2023 AIM ConvenƟon. The AIM ConvenƟon has been a staple in our jurisdicƟon for over fiŌy years. Many souls were saved, healed, and delivered. Our mission is made possible with GOD. Our mission is to compel all men to Christ. With the help of the Lord, we will unite and get back on mission for Sunday School, Evangelism, Missions, Youth Ministries, and the Music Department. Willing workers as we assemble to unite, be empowered and ignite auxiliaries in ministry within the jurisdicƟon. Let's remember our purpose is to build the kingdom of GOD. Go out into the hedges, highways, and compel men to come to Christ, that GOD's house is filled. Because of Calvary, Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. JurisdicƟonal Prelate

Sç֛ٮÄã›Ä—›Äã P«®½®Ö O½®ò›Ù, SÙ. JurisdicƟonal AIM Chairman

M®ÝÝ®ÊăÙù VÊėƒ P®Ö»®Ä Chairlady/ConvenƟon Coordinator

BÙÊ㫛٠MƒÄ烽 N®‘«Ê½Ý Chairman of OperaƟons & LogisƟcs

D›ƒ‘ÊÄ JÊݛ¥ H®½½ Asst. Chairman of OperaƟons & LogisƟcs

BÙÊ㫛٠M®½›Ý O½®ò›Ù AdministraƟve Assistant

M®ÝÝ®ÊăÙù AÝ«½›ù B›Ä—ù

M®Ä®Ýã›Ù TÊٛù B›Ä—ù


Lƒ—ù AĦ›½ƒ RÊݛ›ÙÙù

BÙÊ㫛٠Gٛ¦ÊÙù L. M‘G®½½, JÙ. Public RelaƟons

EòƒÄ¦›½®Ýã JƒÝÃçÄ AÝ»›ó Youth Chairlady

M®Ä®Ýã›Ù Rʐ›Ùã N®‘«Ê½Ý, III Vice President

BÙÊ㫛٠Gٛ¦ÊÙù M‘G®½½, JÙ. Youth Coordinator

S®Ýã›Ù A½›øƒÄ—Ù®ƒ Gكė Youth Coordinator

S®Ýã›Ù KƒùÝ«ƒ W®½ÝÊÄ Youth Choir Coordinator

S®Ýã›Ù Kٛݫƒù½®ƒ Bùٗ Youth Choir Coordinator

E½—›Ù K›ò®Ä Gٛ›Ä› Vice President

S®Ýã›Ù S«®Ù½›ù G›ã›Ù Vice President

S®Ýã›Ù L›Gç›Ä݃ R«Ê—›Ý Administrator

Sç֛ٮÄã›Ä—›Äã JÊ«ÄÄù P. HƒÙ—›ÃƒÄ President

EòƒÄ¦›½®Ýã AÝ«½›ù HƒÙò›ù Elect Lady

EòƒÄ¦›½®Ýã JƒÃ›Ý L. H›Ä—›ÙÝÊÄ Vice President

EòƒÄ¦›½®Ýã LƒJçě G®½½çà Assistant Elect Lady

EòƒÄ¦›½®Ýã LƒJçě G®½½çà AssistantElect Lady

Sç֛ٮÄã›Ä—›Äã Rƒù B›ƒÝ½›ù Superintendent

EòƒÄ¦›½®Ýã S«›®½ƒ HƒÙ—®Ä Field RepresentaƟve

M®ÝÝ®ÊăÙù Rʐ®Ä B›½½ Elect Lady

TEXAS EAST AUXILIARIES IN MINISTRY The AUXILIARIES IN MINISTRY (AIM) CONVENTION, one of the largest and fastest growing convenƟons of the Church of God in Christ, second only to the Holy ConvocaƟon, has become an integral part of what has made the ministry of the Church of God in Christ the global phenomenon that it is to day. The AIM ConvenƟon, the annual summer convenƟon of the Church of God in Christ, Inc., is geared toward spiritual enrichment, training, educaƟon and fellowship. The ConvenƟon, a family involvement experience, brings to gether five auxiliaries of the Church, Music and Youth, Mission and Evange lism and Sunday School, as they share three convenƟons in one seƫng. With the wide array of training sessions, empowerment, youth acƟviƟes, worship and fellowship opportuniƟes, the AIM ConvenƟon is calibrated to impact the "total man." MISSION: To advance Kingdom work through Training, Worship, Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship, and Service. GOAL: The Goal of AIM is to foster effecƟve outreach domesƟcally and globally. The triad convenƟons operate simultaneously during the week in day sessions and unite each evening for a combined session. Delegates include people of all ages from throughout the United States and 90 countries abroad.

CORE VALUES: Why Core Values

Core values are the building blocks of organizaƟonal culture. The process of defining, measuring, and improving core values can be an excellent vehicle for improving organizaƟonal culture. Core values provide a common language to address unacceptable behaviors in a less threatening way. Core values guide decisions and emphasize what is important as the organizaƟon conƟnues to change and improve. Core values influence performance.

THE PRE - AIM EXPERIENCE Saturday, June 3, 2023 10:00am AIM Conveniton Outreach Ministry 1600 Coriscana, Dallas, Texas Sunday, June 4, 2023 4:00pm Pre - AIM ConvenƟon Musical River of Life Church Tuesday, June 6, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm TEXAS EAST AIM INSTITUE Missionary Vonda Pipkin, Dean Purpose: To empower the family through training and educaƟon. Auxiliaries Classes: Youth Department - Young Women of Excellence/Young Men of Valor · Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr., Interim Youth President · Missionary Jasmun Askew, Chairlady · Minister Robert Nichols, III, Vice President · Gregory L. McGill, Jr., Youth Coordinator · Sister Alexandria Grant, Youth Coordinator Missions Department - The Role and Mission of the Church in the World · Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr., Interim Missions President · Missionary Robbie Bell, Chairlady Sunday School Department - The Greatest School of ALL · Superintendent Ray Beasley, Sunday School Superintendent · Evangelist Shelia Hardin, Sunday School Field RepresentaƟve Music Department - The Responsibility of the Levites · Elder Brandon Hargrove, Minister of Music · Elder Kevin Greene, Vice President · Sis Shirley Geter, Vice President Evangelism Department - The Importance of Evangelism During Difficult Times · Superintendent Johnny Hardeman, President · Evangelist Ashley Harvey, Elect Lady

· Evangelist James Henderson, Vice President · Evangelist LaJune Gillum, Asst. Elect Lady

PƒÝãÊÙ C«Ù®ÝãÊÖ«›Ù K. W›Ý½›ù, the Senior Pastor of the AnƟoch Fellowship Church of Dallas, is one of God’s chosen for such a Ɵme as this. Born to the late Dr. Karry and Cheryl Wesley, Pastor Chris as he is affecƟonately known, was reared in the AnƟoch Fellowship Church, founded and led by his father, and came into the saving knowledge of Jesus at an early age. He was acƟve in the children and youth ministries of his home church, parƟcipaƟng in church school, BapƟst Training Union, AnƟoch Cadets drill team, Sunbeam and youth choirs. Always a leader, he was extremely acƟve in student leadership and served as the youth worship leader with the praise team and choir. At the age of 15, Chris accepted his call to the preaching min istry and delivered his first sermon Since that Ɵme, Chris has ministered in the Word and song all over the country. Known for his passionate delivery, ability to interpret scripture and make the gospel understandable and applicable to all different age groups and backgrounds, Chris has a love for preaching and teaching the word of God.

Pastor Chris began his full - Ɵme vocaƟonal ministry journey at the age of 23 when he accepted a posiƟon as Youth and Young Adult Pastor at Consolidated BapƟst Church led by Pastor Richard Gaines. Since that Ɵme, he served in staff pastor roles at St. John Church - Unleashed led by Dr. Denny Davis, and Trinity Church led by Pastor Jim Hennesy before returning to AnƟoch in 2018. On February 9, 2020, Pastor Chris was elected to succeed his father as the Senior Pastor of AnƟoch Fellowship 3 months aŌer Dr. Wesley transiƟoned from labor to reward. Under Pastor Chris’ leadership, AnƟoch has experienced growth and expanded her reach to the world in new ways. Pastor Chris is not solely a preacher, but a giŌed worship leader, singer, and songwriter. He is the leader of Chris Wesley and Undignified Praise, a group of young adults who have been featured arƟst at events all over the country. Their debut album “Redeemed” was released in 2012, and their sophomore project, “Encounter was released in November 2019. Pastor Chris and UDP have shared on naƟonal television plaƞorms such the Dorinda Clark Show and “ATL Live!”, a ChrisƟan television program enjoyed in over 2,000,000 households. They have shared stages with arƟsts such as The Walls Group, Mali Music, Rich Tolbert Jr. and more. They have also been nominated for awards such as KHVN’s Home Grown Gospel Honors, Texas Gospel Music Excellence Awards as Group of the Year, and in 2022, they received Ensemble of the Year at the Avidity Awards in Memphis, Tennessee. Their third project, “8:28: Live in Dallas” will be released at the top of 2023 and features their single, “Til It’s Good”, wriƩen by Pastor Chris. In addiƟon to leading AnƟoch and UDP, Pastor Chris is the Young Adult Director of the NaƟonal BapƟst Conven Ɵon of America, INC under the director of Dr. Samuel C. Tolbert and serves in various other community leadership and service capaciƟes with groups like Fellowship of ChrisƟan Athletes, Black Church PAC and more.

In May 2022, Pastor Chris became the proud husband to the former Jennifer Foster and bonus dad to Jayda.

AIM Intercessory Prayer Team

Evangelist Shelia Hardin, Evangelist LaJune Gillum, Missionary Robbin Bell, Sis Martrice Williams


Evangelist Shelia Hardin Sunday School Field RepresentaƟve


Superintendent Johnny Hardeman - President of Evangelism

Old Testament New Testament

Evangelist James Henderson - Vice President of Evangelism Superintendent Ray Beasley - President of Sunday School

Praise & Worship

Texas East JurisdicƟonal Praise Team

AIM ConvenƟon GreeƟngs

Missionary Vonda Pipkin, AIM ConvenƟon Coordinator Vice Chairlady

Acknowledgment of Guests

Missionary Robbie Bell

AIM Special PresentaƟon

Evangelist Ashley Harvey - Elect Lady of Evangelism

AIM ConvenƟon Address

Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr., AIM Chairman

IntroducƟon of Bishop

AdministraƟve Assistant James E. Lee II

VOICE OF OUR LEADER Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr. - Prelate

Musical SelecƟon

Texas East JurisdicƟonal AIM Choir

Ministry of Giving

AdministraƟve Assistant Robert Nichols, Jr. Brother Miles Oliver, Missionary Ashley Bendy, Missionary Robbie Bell


Missionary Vonda Pipkin, AIM ConvenƟon Coordinator Chairlady/Deacon Josef Hill

IntroducƟon of Speaker

Pastor Philip Oliver, AIM Chairman

Sermonic SelecƟon

Texas East JurisdicƟonal Choir


Pastor Chris Wesley, Senior Pastor AnƟoch Fellowship Missionary BapƟst Church, Dallas, Texas

InvitaƟon to Discipleship BenedicƟon

MulƟ - dimensional aptly describes Chairlady Vandalyn Kennedy. Born in New York City into a family of educators, entrepreneurs, and faith leaders, Vandalyn’s leadership and giŌings have made impact around the world. Her mulƟfaceted idenƟty is manifested through her experience as a LEADERSHIP STRATEGIST, AUTHOR, PUBLIC SPEAKER, FAITH LEADER, MUSICIAN and EDUCATOR. In these roles she has impacted hundreds of thousands of people as well as organizaƟons in varying industries. Vandalyn Kennedy is a CONNECTOR and BUILDER. Evidenced through individuals and organizaƟons, she is giŌed to empower others to reach maximum effecƟveness. Having a passion for youth, she worked as an Educator and Adminis trator within the New York City Department of EducaƟon for over 18 years, as well as the first Youth Pastor of her childhood church. Her

work as a youth advocate in the non - profit sector has spanned over three decades and conƟnues to touch many. A proven transformaƟve leader, Vandalyn is a change agent with quanƟfiable growth. As a result of her experience and experƟse in leadership and strategic development, she founded Bridging The Gap Inc., a soluƟons firm helping individuals and organizaƟons strategize for best pracƟces and growth. BTG provides targeted leadership trainings for youth leaders in both secular and sacred spaces. Vandalyn graduated from high school at the age of sixteen, went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree then Master’s degree in EducaƟon from Sarah Lawrence College, and a second Master’s degree in Music/Music EducaƟon from Columbia University. She also obtained a Master of Divinity degree from Columbia University’s Union Theological Seminary with a Focus on Leadership and Preaching and completed Princeton Theological Seminary’s Black Theology and Leadership InsƟtute CerƟficate program. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Leadership and works as an Adjunct Professor in the NY City area. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Musically, Chairlady Kennedy worked as a choir director, vocal trainer, and Gospel concert producer in both sacred and secular spaces. Her work as a music educator spans from elementary schools to college level. She has also served in numerous Minister of Music posiƟons within the Church of God in Christ (local to jurisdicƟonal), previously serving as Dean of EducaƟon for the InternaƟonal Music Department (COGIC Worldwide), and Coordinator of the InternaƟonal Youth Choir. As a faith leader, Chairlady Kennedy travels extensively naƟonally and internaƟonally as an iƟnerant minister speak ing into the lives of thousands of people. She is an ordained minister who speaks Spanish, and has ministered in Panama, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, and Spain. She has also been blessed to be the keynote speaker several Ɵmes for COGIC's summer convenƟon (AIM) as well as the annual Holy ConvocaƟon and was selected as one of the Church of God in Christ's 150 most I l influenƟal women. Vandalyn was blessed to be a keynote speaker on the main stage during the 2019 Hampton Ministers' Conference and has been featured in The New York Ɵmes as a “Women in the Pulpit” to watch. She currently serves as Chairlady of the InternaƟonal Youth Department of the six - million member Church of God in Christ.

AIM Intercessory Prayer Team

Evangelist Shelia Hardin, Missionary LaJune Gillum, Missionary Robbin Bell, Sister Martrice Williams

AIM Host

Evangelist Ashley Harvey, Elect Lady - Evangelism Dept.


Minister Robert Nichols III - Vice President - Youth Dept.

Old Testament New Testament

Sister Zoe Roseberry Brother Wayne Livingston

Praise & Worship

Texas East JurisdicƟonal Youth Praise Team

AIM ConvenƟon GreeƟngs

Gregory L. McGill, Jr., Youth Coordinator

Acknowledgment of Guests

Missionary Ashley Bendy

Youth InspiraƟonal Speaker

Brother Eugene Roseberry

AIM Special PresentaƟon

Evangelist Jasmun Askew - Youth Chairlady


Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr., AIM Chairman

IntroducƟon of Bishop

AdministraƟve Assistant Robert L. Nichols, Jr.

VOICE OF OUR LEADER Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr., Prelate


Missionary Vonda Pipkin, AIM ConvenƟon Coordinator Vice Chairlady/Deacon Josef Hill

Youth Praise Dancers

AIM Praise Dancers - Sister Kreshalia Byrd

Musical SelecƟon

Texas East JurisdicƟonal AIM Youth Choir

Class of 2022 GRADS

Evangelist Jasmun Askew, Chairlady, Youth Department

Ministry of Giving

AdministraƟve Assistant Robert Nichols, Jr. Brother Miles Oliver, Missionary Ashley Bendy, Missionary Robbie Bell

IntroducƟon of Speaker

Pastor Philip Oliver, AIM Chairman

Sermonic SelecƟon

Texas East JurisdicƟonal AIM Youth Choir


Evangelist Vandalyn Kennedy Church of God in Christ InternaƟonal Youth Department Chairlady

InvitaƟon to Discipleship BenedicƟon

AIM Intercessory Prayer Team

Evangelist Shelia Hardin, Missionary LaJune Gillum, Missionary Robbin Bell, Sister Martrice Williams

AIM Host

Superintendent Johnny Hardeman, President of Evangelism


Superintendent Ray Beasley, President, Sunday School

Old Testament

Deacon Josef Hill, Asst. Vice Chairman LogisƟcs & OperaƟons

New Testament

Elder Kevin Greene, Vice President Music Dept.

Praise & Worship

Texas East JurisdicƟonal AIM Praise Team


Mother Lula M. Pope, Supervisor of Women

AIM ConvenƟon GreeƟngs

Missionary Vonda Pipkin, AIM ConvenƟon Coordinator Vice Chairlady

Acknowledgment of Guests

Sister Kaysha Wilson, Youth Choir Coordinator


Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr., AIM Chairman

IntroducƟon of Bishop

AdministraƟve Assistant James E. Lee

VOICE OF OUR LEADER Bishop Robert L. Nichols, Sr., Prelate

Musical SelecƟon

Texas East JurisdicƟonal AIM Choir

AIM Special PresentaƟon

AIM Department

Ministry of Giving

AdministraƟve Assistant Robert Nichols, Jr. Brother Miles Oliver, Missionary Ashley Bendy, Missionary Robbie Bell


Missionary Vonda Pipkin, AIM ConvenƟon Coordinator Vice Chairlady/Deacon Josef Hill

IntroducƟon of Speaker

Superintendent Philip D. Oliver, Sr., AIM Chairman

Sermonic SelecƟon

Texas East JurisdicƟonal AIM Choir


Superintendent Brian Nelson Church of God in Christ, IDOE Vice President

InvitaƟon to Discipleship BenedicƟon

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