Bennie McGriff Program
Perhaps you dropped by to say hello or called on the phone. Maybe you visited us for a while to keep us from being alone. You may have prepared some delicious dish. Possibly you did not come at all but remembered us in prayer. Whatever kindness you extended is accepted with sincere gratitude and thanks that is everlasting.
May God continue to bestow his blessings upon each of you. - The McGri Family -
A CTIVE P ALLBEARERS Charles D. Crowell Leon Ricks Howard Cory D. Crowell. Gregory McGriff Michael W. Harris, Jr. Jeffrey Moore Jordan McGriff H ONORARY P ALLBEARERS Bennie Leon McGriff, Jr. Johnny Wayne McGriff Harvest D. McGriff Markise “Blake” McGriff Tyson McGriff D’Angelo McCoy, Sr. Da’Narion McCoy D’Angelo McCoy, Jr. Robert Howard, III Copley Evans, Jr. Elder Cameron Burley Charles E. McGriff
Cedric Crowell, Jr. Eric Jackson Curtis Sayles Elder Rico Gowans Mark Moore Samuel Hare Ocie “Rudy” Williams Willie D. Smith James Rhymes Carlos Jackson Michael “Fresh” Summons Rashad Hurd Rashad Harrington Donald Jemol Harrington Draylin McGriff Ira McGraw
Repast will be held at the Church after the graveside burial. F INAL R ESTING P LACE Laurel Land Cemetery Dallas, Texas
—F INAL A RRANGEMENTS E NTRUSTED TO — John E. Beckwith, Jr. CEO & Owner Dallas, Texas (214) 941-7332 Fort Worth, Texas (817) 478-9555 Tallulah, Louisiana (318) 574-6100
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