Bessie Birch_smBk GOLD
If roses grow in Heaven, Lord please pick a bunch for me. Place them in my mother ’ s arms and tell her they ’ re from me. Tell her I love her and miss her, and when she turns to smile, place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for awhile. Because remember ing her is easy, I do it every day, but there ’ s an ache within my heart that will never go away. -Michael Of all the specail gifts in life however great or small, to have a grandma like you were the greatest gift of all. May the winds of love blow softly and whisper in your ear “ I love and miss you grandma and wish that you were here ”.
I thought of you today, but that is nothing new. I thought of you yesterday and days before that too. You left me beautiful memo ries, your love is still my guide, and though I cannot see you. You are always by my side. Forever in my heart.
Thank you for the laughter, the good times we shared, thanks for always listening and trying to be fair. Thank you for your comfort when things were going bad, thank you for the shoulder to cry on when I was sad. You ’ re more than my Mother - In Law, you were my friend too. Everyone should be blessed with a Mother - In - Law like you. -Lisa There was magic in Grandma ’ s touch, and sunshine in her smile. There was loved in everything she did to make our lives worth while. We found both hope and courage just by looking in her eyes. Her laughter was a source of joy, her words warm and wise. There was a kindness and compassion foun in her embrace, and shining down from Heaven above we see the glow of Grandma ’ s face . - Roy Jr, Kaisyn, Zha’Niyah and Serenity I will always cherish the great memories, appreciate the stories, hospitality, support and love you gave to me. May your strong but gentle soul rest in perfect peace, and may eternal light shine upon you now and forever . -Kailyn
-Gary Jr.
Each day I look to Heaven, each day I call your name. Each day just feels so different, it hasn't been the same. Each day I question, I often wonder why? You had to go away from me, my Angel in the sky. I keep you in my memories, since we ’ ve been apart, and I ’ ll always have a part of you locked safely in my heart.
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